
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


Tobias heads the team Family Surveys at GESIS. The team is in charge of conducting the Family Research and Demographic Analysis (FReDA) panel in Germany and is involved with data collection for the German Family Panel (pairfam). Tobias is a PI of FReDA, which is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) from 2020 to 2024. Moreover, the team works on integrative tasks as part of the Integrated Survey and Data Infrastructure (IEDI) at GESIS, of which Tobias is an elected spokesperson.  

Before shifting its attention to family surveys, Tobias' team was responsible for conducting
  • European Values Study (EVS): German survey
  • German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES): Candidate Campaign Survey
  • German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES): Rolling Cross-Section Campaign Survey
  • World Values Survey (WVS): German survey
In addition to these large-scale projects, Tobias is involved in numerous smaller data collection efforts, mostly surveys. 

Before becoming a team lead at GESIS in 2017, between 2011 to 2016, he was a research associate and later senior researcher at GESIS and a member of the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) project. He also held positions as a visiting researcher at Yale University (2015) and Utrecht University (2018). 

Tobias is apl. Professor at the School of Social Sciences, University of Mannheim since 2023. He was granted a venia legendi in "social science research methods" (Habilitation) by the Unversity of Mannheim in 2020. In 2014, he received his Ph.D. from the University of Mannheim, where he had also studied social sciences. 

Apart from his tasks at GESIS, Tobias serves as Associated Editor of Survey Research Methods and in the Editorial Review Board of International Journal of Market Research.

His methodological research interests include survey design, data quality, nonresponse, correction methods for biases, and longitudinal analyses. 



Gummer, Tobias, Thomas Skora, Karolina von Glasenapp, and Elias Naumann. 2024. "A dataset on survey designs and quality of social and behavioral science surveys during the COVID-19 pandemic." Scientific Data 11 (12 June 2024): 619. doi:

Hank, Karsten, Tobias Gummer, Martin Bujard, Franz J. Neyer, Reinhard Pollak, C. Katharina Spieß, Christof Wolf, Pablo Christmann, Tanja Kunz, Detlev Lück, Robert Naderi, Theresa Nutz, Lisa Schmid, and Carolin Thönnissen. 2024. "A new data infrastructure for family research and demographic analysis: The German Family Demography Panel Study (FReDA)." European Sociological Review online first 1-13. doi:

Neuert, Cornelia, Tanja Kunz, and Tobias Gummer. 2024. "An empirical evaluation of probing questions investigating question comprehensibility in web surveys." International Journal of Social Research Methodology online first. doi:

Daikeler, Jessica, Leon Fröhling, Indira Sen, Lukas Birkenmaier, Tobias Gummer, Jan Schwalbach, Henning Silber, Bernd Weiß, Katrin Weller, and Clemens Lechner. 2024. "Assessing Data Quality in the Age of Digital Social Research: A Systematic Review." Social Science Computer Review online first. doi:

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Armando Häring, Tanja Kunz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, Michael Ruland, and Lisa Schmid. 2024. "Concurrent, Web-First, or Web-Only? How Different Mode Sequences Perform in Recruiting Participants for a Self-Administered Mixed-Mode Panel Study." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology online first. doi:

Kunz, Tanja, and Tobias Gummer. 2024. "Effects of objective and perceived burden on response quality in web surveys." International Journal of Social Research Methodology online first. doi:

Daikeler, Jessica, Joss Roßmann, David Bretschi, Tobias Gummer, and Henning Silber. 2024. "Instructed Response Item Attention Checks in Mixed-Mode Questionnaires: Evidence from a Probability-Based Mail and Online Panel." Field Methods. doi:

Kartsounidou, Evangelia, Rebekka Kluge, Henning Silber, and Tobias Gummer. 2024. "Survey experience and its positive impact on response behavior in longitudinal surveys: Evidence from the probability-based GESIS Panel." International Journal of Social Research Methodology 27 (3): 261-274. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Irina Bauer. 2023. "Cash Lotteries in Online Access Panels: Stating the Odds of Winning?" International Journal of Market Research 65 (1): 3-11. doi:

Stadtmüller, Sven, Henning Silber, Tobias Gummer, Matthias Sand, Stefan Zins, Christoph Beuthner, and Pablo Christmann. 2023. "Evaluating an alternative frame for address-based sampling in Germany: The address database from Deutsche Post Direkt." methods, data, analyses 17 (1): 29-46.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, and Tanja Kunz. 2023. "Gaining Consent to Survey Respondents’ Partners: The Importance of Anchors’ Survey Experience in Self-administered Modes." Comparative Population Studies 48 281-306. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Tanja Kunz, Tobias Rettig, and Jan Karem Höhne. 2023. "How to Detect and Influence Looking Up Answers to Political Knowledge Questions in Web Surveys." Public Opinion Quarterly 87 (Special Issue): 507-541. doi:

Neuert, Cornelia, and Tobias Gummer. 2023. "Introducing the Validation of Data Quality Indicators Through Re-Classification: The example of SQP and pretest surveys." International Journal of Market Research Online first. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Jan Karem Höhne, Tobias Rettig, Joss Roßmann, and Mirjan Kummerow. 2023. "Is there a growing use of mobile devices in web surveys? Evidence from 128 web surveys in Germany." Quality & Quantity 57 (6): 5333-5353. doi:

Bauer, Irina, Tanja Kunz, and Tobias Gummer. 2023. "Plain language in web questionnaires: Effects on data quality and questionnaire evaluation." International Journal of Social Research Methodology online first. doi:

Murray-Watters, Alexander, Stefan Zins, Henning Silber, Tobias Gummer, and Clemens Lechner. 2023. "River Sampling – a Fishing Expedition: A Non-Probability Case Study." methods, data, analyses 17 (1): 3-28.

Stadtmüller, Sven, Christoph Beuthner, Pablo Christmann, Tobias Gummer, Rebekka Kluge, Matthias Sand, and Henning Silber. 2023. "The interplay of incentives and mode choice design in self-administered mixed-mode surveys." Bulletin of Sociological Methodology/Bulletin de Méthodologie Sociologique 159 (1): 49-74. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Anne-Sophie Oehrlein. 2023. "Using Google Trends Data to Learn More About Survey Participation." Social Science Computer Review 41 (6): 1968-1985. doi:

Silber, Henning, Johannes Breuer, Christoph Beuthner, Tobias Gummer, Florian Keusch, Pascal Siegers, Sebastian Stier, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Linking surveys and digital trace data: Insights from two studies on determinants of data sharing behavior." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 185 (S2): S387-S407. doi:

Breznau, Nate, Eike Mark Rinke, Alexander Wuttke, Hung H.V. Nguyen, Muna Adem, Jule Adriaans, Amalia Alvarez-Benjumea, Henrik K. Andersen, Daniel Auer, Flavio Azevedo, Oke Bahnsen, Dave Balzer, Gerrit Bauer, Paul C. Bauer, Markus Baumann, Sharon Baute, Verena Benoit, Julian Bernauer, Carl Berning, Anna Berthold, Felix S. Bethke, Thomas Biegert, Katharina Blinzler, Johannes N. Blumenberg, Licia Bobzien, Andrea Bohman, Thijs Bol, Amie Bostic, Zuzanna Brzozowska, Katharina Burgdorf, Kaspar Burger, Kathrin B. Busch, Juan Carlos-Castillo, Nathan Chan, Pablo Christmann, Roxanne Connelly, Christian S. Czymara, Elena Damian, Alejandro Ecker, Achim Edelman, Maureen A. Eger, Simon Ellerbrock, Anna Forke, Andrea Forster, Chris Gaasendam, Chris Gaasendam, Konstantin Gavras, Vernon Gayle, Theresa Gessler, Timo Gnambs, Amélie Godefroidt, Max Grömping, Martin Groß, Stefan Gruber, Tobias Gummer, Andreas Hadjar, Jan Paul Heisig, Sebastian Hellmeier, Stefanie Heyne, Magdalena Hirsch, Mikael Hjerm, Oshrat Hochman, Andreas Hövermann, Sophia Hunger, Christian Hunkler, Nora Huth, Zsófia S. Ignácz, Laura Jacobs, Jannes Jacobsen, Bastian Jaeger, Sebastian Jungkunz, Nils Jungmann, Mathias Kauff, Manuel Kleinert, Julia Klinger, Jan-Philipp Kolb, Marta Kołczyńska, John Kuk, Katharina Kunißen, Dafina Kurti Sinatra, Alexander Langenkamp, Philipp M. Lersch, Lea-Maria Löbel, Philipp Lutscher, Matthias Mader, Joan E. Madia, Natalia Malancu, Luis Maldonado, Helge Marahrens, Nicole Martins, Paul Martinez, Jochen Mayerl, Oscar J. Mayorga, Patricia McManus, Kyle McWagner, Cecil Meeusen, Daniel Meierrieks, Jonathan Mellon, Friedolin Merhout, Samuel Merk, Daniel Meyer, Leticia Micheli, Jonathan Mijs, Cristóbal Moya, Marcel Neunhoeffer, Daniel Nüst, Olav Nygård, Fabian Ochsenfeld, Gunnar Otte, Anna O. Pechenkina, Christopher Prosser, Louis Raes, Kevin Ralston, Miguel R. Ramos, Arne Roets, Jonathan Rogers, Guido Ropers, Robin Samuel, Gregor Sand, Ariela Schachter, Merlin Schaeffer, David Schieferdecker, Elmar Schlueter, Regine Schmidt, Katja M. Schmidt, Alexander Schmidt-Catran, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Jürgen Schneider, Martijn Schoonvelde, Julia Schulte-Cloos, Sandy Schumann, Reinhard Schunck, Jürgen Schupp, Julian Seuring, Henning Silber, Willem Sleegers, Nico Sonntag, Alexander Staudt, Nadia Steiber, Nils Steiner, Sebastian Sternberg, Dieter Stiers, Dragana Stojmenovska, Nora Storz, Erich Striessnig, Anne-Kathrin Stroppe, Janna Teltemann, Andrey Tibajev, Brian Tung, Giacomo Vagni, Jasper Van Assche, Meta van der Linden, Jolanda van der Noll, Arno Van Hootegem, Stefan Vogtenhuber, Bogdan Voicu, Fieke Wagemans, Nadja Wehl, Hannah Werner, Brenton M. Wiernik, Fabian Winter, Christof Wolf, Yuki Yamada, Nan Zhang, Conrad Ziller, Stefan Zins, and Tomasz Żółtak. 2022. "Observing Many Researchers Using the Same Data and Hypothesis Reveals a Hidden Universe of Uncertainty." PNAS Nexus 119 (44): e2203150119.

Gummer, Tobias, and Tanja Kunz. 2022. "Relying on external information sources when answering knowledge questions in web surveys." Sociological Methods & Research 51 (2): 816-836. doi:

Struminskaya, Bella, and Tobias Gummer. 2022. "Risk of nonresponse bias and the length of the field period in a mixed-mode general population panel." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 10 (1): 161-182. doi:

Cernat, Alexandru, Joe Sakshaug, Pablo Christmann, and Tobias Gummer. 2022. "The Impact of Survey Mode Design and Questionnaire Length on Measurement Quality." Sociological Methods & Research online first. doi:

Silber, Henning, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer. 2022. "The Issue of Non-Compliance in Attention Check Questions: False-Positives in Instructed Response Items." Field Methods 34 (4): 346-360. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Sascha Verhoeven, and Christof Wolf. 2022. "Using a responsive survey design to innovate self-administered mixed-mode surveys." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 185 (3): 916-932. doi:

Wolf, Christof, Pablo Christmann, Tobias Gummer, Christian Schnaudt, and Sascha Verhoeven. 2021. "Conducting General Social Surveys as Self-Administered Mixed-Mode Surveys." Public Opinion Quarterly 85 (2): 623-648. doi:

Schneider, Norbert F., Martin Bujard, Christof Wolf, Tobias Gummer, Karsten Hank, and Franz J. Neyer. 2021. "Family Research and Demographic Analysis (FReDA): Evolution, framework, objectives, and design of "The German family- demographic panel study"." Comparative Population Studies 46 149-186. doi:

Glinitzer, Konstantin, Tobias Gummer, and Markus Wagner. 2021. "Learning facts about migration: Politically motivated learning of polarizing information about refugees." Political Psychology 42 (6): 1053-1069. doi:

Silber, Henning, Joss Roßmann, Tobias Gummer, Stefan Zins, and Kai Willem Weyandt. 2021. "The Effects of Question, Respondent, and Interviewer Characteristics on Two Types of Item Nonresponse." Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society) 184 (3): 1052-1069. doi:

Luijxk, Ruud, Gudbjorg Jonsdottir, Tobias Gummer, Michele Ernst Staehli, Morten Frederiksen, Kimmo Ketola, Tim Reeskens, Evelyn Brislinger, Pablo Christmann, Stefan Gunnarsson, Arni Bragi Hjaltason, Dominique Joye, Vera Lomazzi, Angelica Maineri, Patricia Milbert, Michael Ochsner, Alexandre Pollien, Marlène Sapin, Ivet Solanes, Sascha Verhoeven, and Christof Wolf. 2021. "The European Values Study 2017: On the way to the future using mixed-modes." European Sociological Review 37 (2): 330-346. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Ruben Bach, Jessica Daikeler, and Stephanie Eckman. 2021. "The Relationship Between Response Probabilities and Data Quality in Grid Questions." Survey Research Methods 15 (1): 65-77. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Joss Roßmann, and Henning Silber. 2021. "Using instructed response items as attention checks in web surveys: Properties and implementation." Sociological Methods & Research 50 (1): 238-264. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Tanja Kunz. 2021. "Using only numeric labels instead of verbal labels: Stripping rating scales to their bare minimum in web surveys." Social Science Computer Review 39 (5): 1003-1029. doi:

Kunz, Tanja, Franziska Quoß, and Tobias Gummer. 2021. "Using placeholder text in narrative open-ended questions in web surveys." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 9 (5): 992-1012. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Jessica Daikeler. 2020. "A Note on How Prior Survey Experience With Self-Administered Panel Surveys Affects Attrition in Different Modes." Social Science Computer Review 38 (4): 490-498. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Bella Struminskaya. 2020. "Early and Late Participation during the Field Period: Response Timing in a Mixed-Mode Probability-Based Panel Survey." Sociological Methods & Research online first 1-24. doi:

Schmidt, Katharina, Tobias Gummer, and Joss Roßmann. 2020. "Effects of Respondent and Survey Characteristics on the Response Quality of an Open-Ended Attitude Question in Web Surveys." methods, data, analyses 14 (1): 3-34. doi:

Meitinger, Katharina, Sven Stadtmüller, Henning Silber, Roman Auriga, Michael Bergmann, Michael Blohm, Manuela S. Blumenberg, Pablo Christmann, Barbara Felderer, Corinna Frodermann, Florian Griese, Tobias Gummer, Achim Koch, Anita Kottwitz, Kristina Krell, Ulrich Krieger, Elisabeth Liebau, Silke Martin, Andre Müller-Kuller, Beatrice Rammstedt, Ines Schaurer, Annette Scherpenzeel, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Tobias Schmidt, Christian Schnaudt, Sascha Verhoeven, and Anouk Zabal. 2020. "Fieldwork monitoring in practice: Insights from 17 large-scale social science surveys in Germany." Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF) 2020 (18.05.2020). doi:

Meitinger, Katharina, Daniela Ackermann-Piek, Michael Blohm, Brad Edwards, Tobias Gummer, and Henning Silber. 2020. "Fieldwork monitoring strategies for interviewer-administered surveys." Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF) (18.05.2020). doi:

Kunz, Tanja, Camille Landesvatter, and Tobias Gummer. 2020. "Informed consent for paradata use in web surveys." International Journal of Market Research 62 (4): 396-408. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Vera Vogel, Tanja Kunz, and Joss Roßmann. 2020. "Let’s put a smile on that scale: Findings from three web survey experiments." International Journal of Market Research 62 (1): 18–26. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Martin Bujard, Pablo Christmann, Karsten Hank, Tanja Kunz, Detlev Lück, and Franz J. Neyer. 2020. "The impact of Covid-19 on fieldwork efforts and planning in pairfam and FReDA-GGS." Survey Research Methods 14 (2): 223-227. doi:

Kunz, Tanja, and Tobias Gummer. 2020. "Understanding respondents’ attitudes toward web paradata use." Social Science Computer Review 38 (6): 739-753. doi:

Gauly, Britta, Jessica Daikeler, Tobias Gummer, and Beatrice Rammstedt. 2020. "What’s my wage again? Comparing survey and administrative data to validate earning measures." International Journal of Social Research Methodology 23 (2): 215-228. doi:

Roßmann, Joss, Tobias Gummer, and Lars Kaczmirek. 2020. "Working with User Agent Strings in Stata: The parseuas Command." Journal of Statistical Software 92 (February 2020): 16. doi:

Gummer, Tobias. 2019. "Assessing Trends and Decomposing Change in Nonresponse Bias: The Case of Bias in Cohort Distributions." Sociological Methods & Research 48 (1): 92-115. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Franziska Quoß, and Joss Roßmann. 2019. "Does increasing mobile device coverage reduce heterogeneity in completing web surveys on smartphones?" Social Science Computer Review 37 (3): 371-384. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Joss Roßmann. 2019. "Learning effects in coders and their implications for managing content analyses." International Journal of Social Research Methodology. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2019. "The effects of propensity score weighting on attrition biases in attitudinal, behavioral, and socio-demographic variables in a short-term web-based panel survey." International Journal of Social Research Methodology. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Jan Eric Blumenstiel. 2018. "Experimental Evidence on Reducing Nonresponse Bias Through Case Prioritization: The Allocation of Interviewers." Field Methods 30 (2): 124-139. doi:

Roßmann, Joss, Tobias Gummer, and Henning Silber. 2018. "Mitigating Satisficing in Cognitively Demanding Grid Questions: Evidence from Two Web-Based Experiments." Journal of Survey Statistics and Methodology 6 (3): 376-400. doi:

Silber, Henning, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer. 2018. "When Near Means Related: Evidence from Three Web Survey Experiments on Inter-Item Correlations in Grid Questions." International Journal of Social Research Methodology 21 (3): 275-288. doi:

Quinlan, Stephen, Tobias Gummer, Joss Roßmann, and Christof Wolf. 2018. "‘Show me the money and the party!’ – variation in Facebook and Twitter adoption by politicians." Information, Communication & Society 21 (8): 1031-1049. doi:

Roßmann, Joss, and Tobias Gummer. 2016. "Using Paradata to Predict and Correct for Panel Attrition." Social Science Computer Review 34 (3): 312-332. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2015. "Explaining Interview Duration in Web Surveys: A Multilevel Approach." Social Science Computer Review 33 (2): 217-234. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2013. "Good Questions, Bad Questions? A Post-survey Evaluation Strategy Based on Item Nonresponse." Survey Methods : Insights from the Field August.

Beitrag im Sammelwerk

Gummer, Tobias. 2020. "Adaptive and responsive survey designs." In SAGE research methods foundations, edited by Paul Atkinson, Sara Delamont, Alexandru Cernat, Joseph W. Sakshaug, and Richard A. Williams, online first. SAGE Publications Ltd.. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Anne-Kathrin Stroppe. 2019. "Regierungs- und Parteileistung." In Zwischen Polarisierung und Beharrung : Die Bundestagswahl 2017, edited by Sigrid Roßteutscher, Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Harald Schoen, Bernhard Weßels, and Christof Wolf, Wahlen in Deutschland 3, 279-294. Baden-Baden: Nomos.

Roßmann, Joss, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Tobias Gummer. 2017. "Einleitung." In Bericht zur Datenqualität der GLES 2013, edited by Joss Roßmann, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Tobias Gummer, GESIS Papers 2017/13, 11-15. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2017. "Item-Nonresponse." In Bericht zur Datenqualität der GLES 2013, edited by Joss Roßmann, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Tobias Gummer, GESIS Papers 2017/13, 85-112. doi:

Blumenstiel, Jan Eric, and Tobias Gummer. 2015. "Prävention, Korrektur oder beides? Drei Wege zur Reduzierung von Nonresponse Bias mit Propensity Scores." In Nonresponse Bias: Qualitätssicherung sozialwissenschaftlicher Umfragen, edited by Jürgen Schupp, and Christof Wolf, 13-44. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Roßmann, Joss, Tobias Gummer, and Christof Wolf. 2014. "Twitter im Wahlkampf." In Zwischen Fragmentierung und Konzentration: Die Bundestagswahl 2013, edited by Rüdiger Schmitt-Beck, Hans Rattinger, Sigrid Roßteutscher, Bernhard Weßels, and Christof Wolf, Wahlen in Deutschland 2, 61-72. Baden-Baden: Nomos. doi:

Roßmann, Joss, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Tobias Gummer. 2013. "Einleitung." In Bericht zur Datenqualität der GLES 2009, edited by Manuela S. Blumenberg, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer, GESIS - Technical Reports 2013/14, 12-13.

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2013. "Item-nonresponse." In Bericht zur Datenqualität der GLES 2009, edited by Manuela S. Blumenberg, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer, GESIS - Technical Reports 2013/14, 40-132.


Meitinger, Katharina, Daniela Ackermann-Piek, Michael Blohm, Brad Edwards, Tobias Gummer, and Henning Silber, ed. 2020. Special Issue: Fieldwork monitoring strategies for interviewer-administered surveys. Survey Methods: Insights from the Field. Lausanne: Swiss Found. for Research in Social Sciences.


Gummer, Tobias. 2015. Multiple Panels in der empirischen Sozialforschung: Evaluation eines Forschungsdesigns mit Beispielen aus der Wahlsoziologie. Wiesbaden: Springer VS.

Gummer, Tobias. 2010. Die Existenzdauer von Unternehmen in Deutschland: ein Ost- West Vergleich. Mannheimer sozialwissenschaftliche Abschlussarbeiten 10/001. urn:

Arbeits- und Diskussionspapier

Roßmann, Joss, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Tobias Gummer. 2017. Bericht zur Datenqualität der GLES 2013. GESIS Papers 2017/13. Köln: GESIS. doi:

Gummer, Tobias, Manuela S. Blumenberg, and Constanze Vilgis. 2017. Computing weights for the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES) 2009-2013. GESIS Papers 2017/07.

Blumenberg, Manuela S., and Tobias Gummer. 2016. Gewichtung in der German Longitudinal Election Study 2013. GESIS Papers 2016/1.

Blumenstiel, Jan Eric, and Tobias Gummer. 2014. Langfrist-Panels der German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES): Methodik und Durchführung der Erhebungen im Jahr 2012 und zur Bundestagswahl 2013. GESIS - Technical Reports 2014/15. Mannheim: GESIS.

Kaczmirek, Lars, Philipp Mayr, Ravi Vatrapu, Arnim Bleier, Manuela S. Blumenberg, Tobias Gummer, Abid Hussain, Katharina E. Kinder-Kurlanda, Kaveh Manshaei, Mark Thamm, Katrin Weller, Alexander Wenz, and Christof Wolf. 2014. Social media monitoring of the campaigns for the 2013 German Bundestag elections on Facebook and Twitter. GESIS Working Papers 31. Köln: GESIS. urn:

Blumenberg, Manuela S., Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer. 2013. Bericht zur Datenqualität der GLES 2009. GESIS - Technical Reports 2013/14.

Blumenberg, Manuela S., and Tobias Gummer. 2013. Gewichtung in der German longitudinal election study 2009. GESIS - Technical Reports 2013/19.

Blumenstiel, Jan Eric, and Tobias Gummer. 2013. Long-Term Panels of the German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES): concept and implementation. GESIS - Technical Reports 2013/11.

Blumenstiel, Jan Eric, and Tobias Gummer. 2012. Langfrist-Panels der German Longitudinal Election Study (GLES): Konzeption, Durchführung, Aufbereitung und Archivierung. GESIS - Technical Reports 2012/11.


Glinitzer, Konstantin, Tobias Gummer, Joss Roßmann, and Malte Kaukal. 2018. plztowknr: A Stata module to translate German zip codes into electoral districts: (Version: 1.0) [Computer Software]. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College.

Gummer, Tobias. 2015. REPLACEBYLAB: Stata module to replace values by drawing on value labels (Version: 0.8)” [Computer Software]. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College.

Roßmann, Joss, and Tobias Gummer. 2014. PARSEUAS: Stata Module to Extract Detailed Information From User Agent Strings (Version: 1.0) [Computer Software]. Chestnut Hill, MA: Boston College.


Daikeler, Jessica, Leon Fröhling, Lukas Birkenmaier, Tobias Gummer, Clemens Lechner, Jan Schwalbach, Indira Sen, Henning Silber, Bernd Weiß, and Katrin Weller. 2024. "Assessing Data Quality in the Age of Digital Social Research with a focus on sensor data: : A Systematic Review ." WEB DATA OPP, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, 2024-03-18.

Roßmann, Joss, Sebastian Lundmark, Henning Silber, and Tobias Gummer. 2024. "Comparing Various Types of Attention Checks in Web-Based Questionnaires: Experimental Evidence from the German Internet Panel and the Swedish Citizen Panel." General Online Research Conference 2024 (GOR 24), Rheinische Fachhochschule Köln, Köln, 2024-02-22.

Lundmark, Sebastian, Henning Silber, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer. 2023. "Comparing Different Types of Respondents' Attentiveness Measures: Experimental Evidence from the German Internet Panel and the Swedish Citizen Panel." 10th conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Milan, Italy, 2023-07-17.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Armando Häring, Tanja Kunz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, Michael Ruland, and Lisa Schmid. 2023. "Concurrent, Web-first, Push-to-web or Web-only? How different mode choice sequences perform in recruiting participants into a self-administered mixed-mode panel study." ESRA 2023: 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan (Italy), 2023-07-20.

Schanze, Jan-Lucas, Michael Blohm, Tobias Gummer, Pablo Christmann, Joss Roßmann, Christof Wolf, and Achim Koch. 2023. "Effects of Different Incentive Strategies on Response, Sample Composition, and Costs in Self-Completion Surveys." ESRA 2023 Conference, University of Milan-Bicocca, 2023-07-20.

Kunz, Tanja, Tobias Gummer, and Cornelia Neuert. 2023. "Measurement quality of a multi-item scale in plain language." General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2023, Universität Kassel, 2023-09-21.

Oehrlein, Anne-Sophie, and Tobias Gummer. 2023. "Reliability of Google Trends Data: A Study on the Feasibility of Re-Sampling Strategies for Non-realtime Data." ESRA 2023: 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan (Italy), University of Milano-Bicocca, 2023-07-19.

Skora, Thomas, Karolina Predotova, Tobias Gummer, and Elias Naumann. 2023. "Survey Data Collection During the COVID-19 Pandemic: An Overview." ECSR Thematic Conference „COVID-19 and Social Inequality in Well-being", LIfBi Bamberg / IAB Nürnberg, LIfBi, Munich, 2023-08-04.

Predotova, Karolina, Thomas Skora, Tobias Gummer, and Elias Naumann. 2023. "Survey Design and Data Quality During the Covid-19 Pandemic." ESRA 2023: 10th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Milan (Italy), 2023-07-19.

Daikeler, Jessica, Indira Sen, Lukas Birkenmaier, Leon Froehling, Tobias Gummer, Henning Silber, Clemens Lechner, and Bernd Weiß. 2022. "Assessing Data Quality in the Age of Digital Social Research: a Systematic Review." Midterm Conference ESA Research Network 21 "Quantitative Methods", University of Salamanca, Salamanca, 2022-10-05.

Silber, Henning, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer. 2022. "Comparing four different types of respondents’ attentiveness measures: Experimental evidence from the probability-based German Internet Panel." World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR) Conference, Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 2022-11-13.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Tanja Kunz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, and Lisa Schmid. 2022. "Concurrent, Sequential or Web-Only? Evidence from a mixed-mode recruitment experiment in FReDA." CLOSER conference "Preparing for the future III: Tackling key challenges facing longitudinal population studies in a post-COVID world", Online, 2022-01-20.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Tanja Kunz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, and Lisa Schmid. 2022. "Effects of different mode choice sequences in the recruitment of a probability-based mixed-mode panel in Germany: Insights from FReDA." General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2022, HTW Berlin, Berlin, 2022-09-08.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Tanja Kunz, and Christof Wolf. 2022. "Experimental evidence on using a tailored incentive strategy to reduce attrition in a probability-based mixed-mode panel survey." Midterm Conference ESA Research Network 21 "Quantitative Methods", University of Salamanca, Salamanca, 2022-09-07.

Gummer, Tobias, and Anne-Sophie Oehrlein. 2022. "Learning About Survey Participation by Using Google Trends Data." Frühjahrstagung der Sektion „Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung“ der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie (DGS), GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim, 2022-03-25.

Roßmann, Joss, Axel Burger, Tobias Gummer, and Henning Silber. 2022. "Noncompliance with Attention Checks in Web Surveys: Can We Train False Positives to Become Compliant?" GOR22 : General Online Research Conference , HTW Berlin, Berlin, 2022-09-07.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, and Martin Bujard. 2022. "Repräsentation von Migrant:innen in FReDA." FReDA Methodenworkshop „(Unter-) Repräsentation von Migrantinnen und Migranten in Surveys und Panels“, Statistisches Bundesamt, Wiesbaden, 2022-03-31.

Daikeler, Jessica, Britta Gauly, Tobias Gummer, and Beatrice Rammstedt. 2022. "What’s my wage again? Comparing survey and administrative data to validate earnings measures (invited)." International PIAAC Research Conference 2022, Online, 2022-03-24.

Gummer, Tobias, Claudia Schmiedeberg, Martin Bujard, Pablo Christmann, Karsten Hank, Tanja Kunz, Detlev Lück, and Franz J. Neyer. 2021. "Adjustments to the FReDA-GGS design in response to the COVID-19 pandemic." ESRA 2021: 9th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, online, 2021-07-09.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, and Lisa Schmid. 2021. "Concurrent, sequential or web-only: Evidence from a large-scale mixed-mode (web, paper) recruitment experiment in FReDA." Jahrestagung "Paneldaten: Methodische Qualitätsansprüche, praktische Datenanforderungen und politische Informationsbedarfe" der Arbeitsgemeinschaft sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI) und der DGS-Sektion Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, Online, 2021-11-18.

Stadtmüller, Sven, Henning Silber, Tobias Gummer, Matthias Sand, Stefan Zins, Christoph Beuthner, and Pablo Christmann. 2021. "Die Adressdatenbank der Deutschen Post Direkt als Ziehungsrahmen für Bevölkerungsumfragen in Deutschland." Jahrestagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI) und der DGS-Sektion Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung, Virtual Conference, 2021-11-17.

Stadtmüller, Sven, Henning Silber, Tobias Gummer, Matthias Sand, Stefan Zins, Christoph Beuthner, and Pablo Christmann. 2021. "Die Adressdatenbank der Deutschen Post Direkt als Ziehungsrahmen für Bevölkerungsumfragen in Deutschland." 57. Jahrestagung der AG Süd des Verbandes Deutscher Städtestatistiker (VDSt), Virtual Conference, 2021-11-26.

Daikeler, Jessica, Joss Roßmann, Tobias Gummer, David Bretschi, and Henning Silber. 2021. "Does Failing an Attention Check Relate to Survey Mode and Representativeness?" 76th American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR) Conference, Virtual, Munich, 2021-05-13.

Bauer, Irina, Tanja Kunz, and Tobias Gummer. 2021. "Effects of ‘Simple Language’ on Data Quality in Web Surveys." General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2021, online, 2021-09-10.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, and Christof Wolf. 2021. "Effects of mixing modes in general population surveys: Insights from the European Values Study 2017." 10th International Conference on Social Science Methodology (RC33), Virtual, Munich, 2021-09-07.

Gummer, Tobias, Tanja Kunz, Tobias Rettig, and Jan Karem Höhne. 2021. "Looking up answers to political knowledge questions: the use of different instructions and measures for respondent behavior." General Online Research Conference (GOR) 2021, online, 2021-09-10.

Gummer, Tobias, Irina Bauer, and Tanja Kunz. 2021. "Simplified question wording in surveys and its effects on data quality." 15th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), online, 2021-08-31.

Kunz, Tanja, and Tobias Gummer. 2021. "The impact of perceived and actual respondent burden on response quality: Findings from a randomized web survey." General Online Research (GOR) 2021, online, 2021-09-10.

Bauer, Irina, Tanja Kunz, and Tobias Gummer. 2021. "Using ‘Simple Language’ in Web Surveys." ESRA 2021: 9th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, online, 2021-07-09.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Christof Wolf, and Sascha Verhoeven. 2020. "Using responsive survey design to implement a probability-based self-administered mixed-mode survey in Germany." General Online Research Conference (GOR 2020).

Silber, Henning, Joss Roßmann, and Tobias Gummer. 2019. "Attention checks in web surveys: The issue of false positives due to non-compliance." GOR 19 : General Online Research Conference, 2019-03-11.

Gummer, Tobias, Guðbjörg Andrea Jónsdóttir, Ruud Luijxk, and Michele Ernst Staehli. 2019. "Conducting Cross-Cultural General Population Surveys with Matrix Designs in Self-Administered Modes: Insights from the European Values Study." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-17.

Breuer, Johannes, Sebastian Stier, Pascal Siegers, Tobias Gummer, and Arnim Bleier. 2019. "Consent to Collecting and Linking Twitter Data in a Combined Webtracking and Survey Study." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-17.

Ochsner, Michael, Guðbjörg Andrea Jónsdóttir, Tobias Gummer, and Jessica Herzing. 2019. "Cross-Cultural Surveys in Matrix Design: Potential and Pitfalls of Multiple Imputation for Analysing Incomplete Data by Design." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-17.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2019. "Does the mode matter? An experimental comparison of survey responses between face-to-face and mixed-mode surveys." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-17.

Gummer, Tobias, and Tanja Kunz. 2019. "Effects of using numeric instead of semantic labels in rating scales." GOR 19 : General Online Research Conference, 2019-03-07.

Stier, Sebastian, Johannes Breuer, Pascal Siegers, Tobias Gummer, and Arnim Bleier. 2019. "Enemies of the People: Party cues, populism and selective exposure to news – An investigation combining web tracking and survey data." DVPW und DGPuK PolKomm-Tagung 2019, 2019-02-09.

Glinitzer, Konstantin, Tobias Gummer, and Markus Wagner. 2019. "Learning Facts about Migration: Politically Motivated Learning of Polarizing Information about Refugees." 9th Annual Conference of the European Political Science Association (EPSA), 2019-06-22.

Breuer, Johannes, Sebastian Stier, Pascal Siegers, Tobias Gummer, and Arnim Bleier. 2019. "Linking survey data with social media data and the importance of informed consent." GOR 19 : General Online Research Conference, TH Köln, Köln, 2019-03-07.

Kunz, Tanja, and Tobias Gummer. 2019. "Perceived and Actual Respondent Burden and the Effects on Data Quality in Web Surveys." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-17.

Murray-Watters, Alexander, Stefan Zins, Henning Silber, Tobias Gummer, and Clemens Lechner. 2019. "River Sampling – a Fishing Expedition: A Non-Probability Case Study." Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), 2019-05-18.

Kartsounidou, Evangelia, Rebekka Kluge, Henning Silber, and Tobias Gummer. 2019. "Survey Experience and its Impact on Response Behavior in Panel Surveys: Evidence from the GESIS Panel Data." GESIS Panel User Conference, 2019-03-11.

Kartsounidou, Evangelia, Rebekka Kluge, Henning Silber, and Tobias Gummer. 2019. "Survey Experience and its Impact on Response Behaviour in Panel Surveys: Evidence from the GESIS Panel." 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA) , 2019-07-17.

Roßmann, Joss, Tobias Gummer, David Bretschi, and Jessica Daikeler. 2019. "Using Attention Checks in Mail Questionnaires and Probability-Based Samples: Initial Evidence from a Mixed-Mode Survey Experiment." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-16.

Stier, Sebastian, Johannes Breuer, Pascal Siegers, Tobias Gummer, and Arnim Bleier. 2019. "Where Do They Get Their 'News'? Preference for Right-Wing Populist Parties and Online News Consumption in Germany." ESRA 2019 : 8th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, Zagreb (Croatia), 2019-07-18.

Zins, Stefan, Tobias Gummer, Clemens Lechner, and Alexander Murray-Watters. 2018. "Comparing complex measurement instruments across probabilistic and non-probabilistic online surveys." Workshop on Probability-Based and Nonprobability Survey Research.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2018. "Conducting a survey under unclear outcome conditions by using a responsive survey design." Midterm Conference ESA Research Network 21 "Quantitative Methods", 2018-10-03.

Kunz, Tanja, Tobias Gummer, and Marek Fuchs. 2018. "Differences in data quality as a function of early versus late positioning of questions in a web survey." Annual Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), 2018-05-16.

Roßmann, Joss, and Tobias Gummer. 2018. "Do modifications to the traditional grid question design reduce the respondents’ burden and increase response quality?" General Online Research (GOR18), 2018-02-28.

Silber, Henning, Roßmann Joss, Tobias Gummer, and Kai Willem Weyandt. 2018. "Examining Item Nonresponse on Three Levels: Question, Respondent, and Interviewer Characteristics." WAPOR 71st Annual Conference, 2018-06-28.

Stier, Sebastian, Johannes Breuer, Pascal Siegers, Tobias Gummer, and Arnim Bleier. 2018. "Improving Research on Political Behavior by Integrating Survey Data and Digital Trace Data." BigSurv18 Big Data Meets Survey Science, 2018-10-26.

Stier, Sebastian, Johannes Breuer, Pascal Siegers, Tobias Gummer, and Arnim Bleier. 2018. "Selective exposure to political news: An investigation combining web tracking and survey data." ECPR General Conference 2018, 2018-08-25.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2018. "Using a Responsive Design to Conduct a Survey under Unclear Outcome Conditions." CSDI Workshop, 2018-03-26.

Kunz, Tanja, and Tobias Gummer. 2018. "Using Placeholder Text in Narrative Open-Ended Questions in Web Surveys." General Online Research Conference (GOR), 2018-03-02.

Gauly, Britta, Jessica Daikeler, Tobias Gummer, and Beatrice Rammstedt. 2018. "What's your Wage? Comparing Survey and Administrative Data to Validate Earning Information." Perspectives on (Un-) Employment - 10th Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Workshop , 2018-01-18.

Gummer, Tobias, and Tanja Kunz. 2018. "Window Switching When Answering Knowledge Questions in Web Surveys." General Online Research Conference (GOR), 2018-03-01.

Gummer, Tobias, Joss Roßmann, and Henning Silber. 2017. "Does the Exposure to an Instructed Response Item Attention Check Affect Response Behavior?" General Online Research Conference (GOR 2017).

Silber, Henning, Tobias Gummer, and Joss Roßmann. 2017. "Question Characteristics and Response Behavior." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Struminskaya, Bella, and Tobias Gummer. 2017. "Risk of nonresponse bias and the length of the field period in a mixed-mode general population panel." Household Survey Nonresponse Workshop, 2017-08-30.

Struminskaya, Bella, and Tobias Gummer. 2017. "The Link Between Nonresponse Bias and the Length of the Field Period in a Mixed-Mode General Population Panel." Joint Statistical Meeting, 2017-07-29.

Schmidt, Katharina, Tobias Gummer, and Joss Roßmann. 2017. "What Characteristics Affect the Response Quality of Open-ended Attitude Questions? A Study on Respondent and Survey Level Factors in Web Surveys." ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association, 2017-07-17.

Gummer, Tobias, Joss Roßmann, and Henning Silber. 2017. "Who fails and who passes instructed response item attention checks in web surveys?" ESRA 2017: 7th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Gummer, Tobias, and Bella Struminskaya. 2017. "Who participates early or late in a survey? Results from a mixed-mode general population panel." 13th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA), 2017-08-28.

Gummer, Tobias. 2016. "Comparing different selection criteria when applying case prioritization: A simulation study." Midterm Conference ESA Research Network 21 "Quantitative Methods", 2016-10-13.

Struminskaya, Bella, and Tobias Gummer. 2016. "Participation in a mixed-mode panel over the course of the field period: An analysis of different response propensity strata." General Online Research Conference (GOR 2016), 2016-03-02.

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2016. "Propensity score weighting in a web-based panel survey: Comparing the effects on attrition biases in attitudinal, behavioral, and socio-demographic variables." General Online Research Conference (GOR 2016), 2016-03-02.

Roßmann, Joss, Tobias Gummer, and Stephen Quinlan. 2016. "The effects of using Facebook and Twitter on candidates’ electoral success: The case of the German Federal Election 2013." General Online Research Conference (GOR 2016), 2016-03-02.

Gummer, Tobias. 2015. "Measuring Social and Individual Change with Different Longitudinal Research Designs." ESRA 2015: 6th Conference of the European Survey Research Association.

Gummer, Tobias. 2015. "Research designs and estimating causal effects: The impact of age-period-cohort effects on a design´s performance." ESA 2015: 12th Conference of the European Sociological Association.

Kaczmirek, Lars, Tobias Gummer, and Manuela S. Blumenberg. 2015. "Research potential of Twitter and Facebook in the election year 2013 in Germany." Webdatanet conference, 2015-05-27.

Quinlan, Stephen, Tobias Gummer, Joss Roßmann, and Christof Wolf. 2015. "Show me the money and the party: Social media adoption by candidates in the 2013 German elections." EPSA 2015: 5th Annual General Conference of the European Political Science Association, 2015-06-25.

Quinlan, Stephen, Tobias Gummer, Joss Roßmann, and Christof Wolf. 2015. "Social media in election campaigns: Different channels, different patterns?" GOR 15: General Online Research Conference.

Gummer, Tobias, Joss Roßmann, and Christof Wolf. 2014. "Candidates’ Twitter Use in the German Election 2013." GOR 14 : General Online Research Conference.

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2014. "Does the Use of Paradata in Propensity Score Weighting Improve the Correction of Panel Attrition in a Web-based Survey?" VI European Congress of Methodology.

Kaczmirek, Lars, Philipp Mayr, Ravi Vatrapu, Arnim Bleier, Manuela S. Blumenberg, Tobias Gummer, Kjeld Hansen, Abid Hussein, Zeshan Ali Jaffari, Katharina E. Kinder-Kurlanda, Haiko Lietz, Markus Strohmaier, Claudia Wagner, Katrin Weller, Christof Wolf, and Chris James Zimmerman. 2014. "PEP-TF: Social media monitoring of the campaigns for the 2013 German Bundestag elections on Facebook and Twitter." Social Media Communication Workshop, Mannheim, 2014-03-28.

Roßmann, Joss, and Tobias Gummer. 2014. "Using Paradata to Predict and to Correct for Panel Attrition in a Web-Based Panel Survey." GOR 14 : General Online Research Conference.

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2014. "Using Paradata to Predict and to Correct for Panel Attrition in a Web-Based Panel Survey." 3rd Annual Meeting of the GLES Young Researchers.

Gummer, Tobias, Lars Kaczmirek, and Manuela S. Blumenberg. 2014. "Zur Nutzbarkeit von Social Media Daten für die Wahlforschung: Konzeptionelle, methodische und interdisziplinäre Herausforderungen." Jahrestagung Sektion "Methoden der Politikwissenschaft" der DVPW.

Gummer, Tobias. 2013. "Enterprises in reunified Germany: merging strategic action fields by force." 11th Conference of the European Sociological Association (ESA).

Gummer, Tobias, and Joss Roßmann. 2013. "Explaining interview duration in web surveys on political attitudes and behavior: a multilevel approach." 66th Annual Conference of the World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR).

Roßmann, Joss, and Tobias Gummer. 2013. "Interview Duration in Web Surveys: Integrating Different Levels of Explanation." GOR 13 : General Online Research Conference.

Gummer, Tobias. 2013. "Merging strategic action fields: the reunification of Germany as a natural experiment." 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA).

Gummer, Tobias, and Jan Eric Blumenstiel. 2013. "Prävention, Korrektur oder beides? Drei Wege zur Reduzierung von Nonresponse Bias mit Propensity Scores." Gemeinsame Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI) und der Sektion "Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie.

Gummer, Tobias. 2013. "What is the extent and impact of population dynamics we desperately try to adjust for?" 5th Conference of the European Survey Research Association (ESRA).

Gummer, Tobias. 2012. "Erfassung von Wandel mittels hybrider Paneldesigns: Eine Simulation." Gemeinsame Frühjahrstagung der Sektionen "Methoden der empirischen Sozialforschung" und "Modellbildung und Simulation" der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Soziologie.

Gummer, Tobias. 2012. "The Potential of Hybrid Panel Designs to Measure Change in Electoral Populations." 4th ECPR Graduate Student Conference.

Beitrag nicht auf Konferenz

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Tanja Kunz, Anne-Sophie Oehrlein, and Lisa Schmid. 2022. "Concurrent, Sequential or Web-Only? Evidence from a mixed-mode recruitment experiment in FReDA." RECSM Seminar, 2022-01-25.

Gummer, Tobias. 2021. "Conducting the European Values Study in self-administered mixed-mode design: Insights from Germany." WAPOR Webinar "Mixed-mode in Survey Research: Why and How to Implement It", Online, 2021-05-26.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Sascha Verhoeven, and Christof Wolf. 2020. "Conducting general social surveys in self- administered mixed-mode." Research Colloquium in Sociology, University of Bern.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Sascha Verhoeven, and Christof Wolf. 2019. "Einsatz eines responsiven Umfragedesigns in selbst-administrierten Mixed-Mode Befragungen." Unipark-Communitytreffen 2019, 2019-11-29.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2019. "Responsive mixed-mode and face-to-face surveys: An experimental comparison in the context of the European Values Study." Mannheim Survey Infrastructures Research Colloquium, Universität Mannheim, Mannheim, 2019-02-05.

Gummer, Tobias, Pablo Christmann, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2019. "Responsive mixed-mode experiences of European Values Study (EVS) Germany." 4th SERISS Survey Experts Network Workshop ‘Survey fieldwork cost’, 2019-05-17.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2018. "Conducting probability based mixed-mode surveys: Experimental evidence from the European Values Study." NatCen-ESS ERIC-City methodology seminar series, 2018-09-06.

Hähnel, Sascha, Pablo Christmann, Tobias Gummer, and Christof Wolf. 2018. "Einsatz eines responsiven Mixed-Mode Designs: Ergebnisse eines Experiments im Rahmen der European Values Study." Panelworkshop zum Thema Erhebungskosten und Strategien zur Steigerung der Kosteneffizienz, 2018-10-15.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2018. "Mixed-Mode und Face-to-Face Umfragen: Ein experimenteller Vergleich im Rahmen der European Values Study." Panelworkshop zum Thema Erhebungskosten und Strategien zur Steigerung der Kosteneffizienz, 2018-10-15.

Christmann, Pablo, Tobias Gummer, Sascha Hähnel, and Christof Wolf. 2018. "Mixed-Mode und Face-to-Face Umfragen: Ein experimenteller Vergleich im Rahmen der European Values Study." Gemeinsame Sitzung von Vertreterinnen und Vertretern des ADM Arbeitskreis Deutscher Markt- und Sozialforschungsinstitute, der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Sozialwissenschaftlicher Institute (ASI) und des Statistischen Bundesamtes (Destatis), 2018-10-30.

Gummer, Tobias. 2017. "Multiple Panels in der empirischen Sozialforschung." Deutsches Jugendinstitut (DJI), 2017-04-19.

Gummer, Tobias. 2015. "Analyzing change: The role of research designs and different patterns of change." Center for Research on Inequalities and the Life Course.

Gummer, Tobias. 2015. "Case prioritization in a survey: Comparing different selection criteria." 4th Workshop "Advances in Adaptive and Responsive Survey Design".


Gummer, Tobias. 2023. "Seminar in Research Methods: Fundamentals of Survey Design." Universität Mannheim, Mannheim. Frühjahrs-/Sommersemester 2023: 2 SWS.

Gummer, Tobias. 2022. "Seminar in Research Methods: Questionnaire Design." Universität Mannheim, Mannheim. Frühjahrs-/Sommersemester 2022: 2 SWS.

Gummer, Tobias. 2021. "Seminar in Research Methods: Fundamentals of Survey Design." Universität Mannheim, Mannheim. FSS 2021: 2 SWS.

Gummer, Tobias. 2013. "Spezielle Soziologie: Organisationen und ihre Umwelt." Universität Mannheim, Mannheim. HWS 2013: 3 SWS.

Wolf, Christof, and Tobias Gummer. 2011. "Hauptseminar: Soziale Ungleichheit und Soziale Mobilität." Universität Mannheim, Mannheim. HWS 2011: 2 SWS.


Gummer, Tobias. 2022. "Übungskurs: Datenerhebung." Universität Mannheim, Mannheim. HWS 2022: 2 SWS.

Gummer, Tobias. 2021. "Übungskurs: Datenerhebung." Universität Mannheim, Mannheim. HWS 2021: 2 SWS.

Gummer, Tobias. 2020. "Übungskurs: Datenerhebung." Universität Mannheim, Mannheim. HWS 2020: 2 SWS.


Gummer, Tobias. 2017. "Data Preparation with Stata."

Blumenberg, Johannes N., and Tobias Gummer. 2017. "Einführung in die Datenanalyse mit Stata." Mannheim.

Blumenberg, Manuela S., and Tobias Gummer. 2015. "Einführung in die Datenanalyse mit Stata." Mannheim.

Blumenberg, Manuela S., and Tobias Gummer. 2014. "Einführung in die Datenanalyse mit Stata." Mannheim. 10./11.02.2014.

Blumenberg, Manuela S., and Tobias Gummer. 2014. "Stata für Fortgeschrittene." Bonn. 20./21.08.2014.

Gummer, Tobias, and Manuela S. Kulick. 2013. "Einführung in die Datenanalyse mit Stata." Mannheim. 22./23.04.2013.

Gummer, Tobias, and Manuela S. Kulick. 2012. "Einführung in die Datenanalyse mit Stata." Mannheim. 24./25.10.2012.