Adaption and Translation of Questionnaires

High-quality questionnaire translation is central to the quality of the data collected in cross-national and cross-cultural studies. We recommend that the translation methods be considered early on in the application and project planning stages, covering timing, personnel, and funding. Ideally, translatability and cultural relevance are already considered during the development of a source questionnaire to ensure a smooth translation process. Our experts will provide you with scientifically proven, application-oriented consulting services for your project. Please note that our consulting services do not include the translation itself. Depending on the language combination, we can gladly refer you to experienced translation service providers. 

We Consult You on Adaptation and Translation of Questionnaires

We will be happy to advise you on the translatability of your social science questionnaire as early as the development stage - because even then, various adjustments can be made to facilitate translation. We can support you with our extensive experience of international research projects. We will be happy to discuss possible implementations or alternative procedures with you and offer practical tips, for example for the creation of project and translation instructions, the documentation of a translation project or for the translation itself.

How to Ensure Translatability and Cultural Relevance during Questionnaire Development

Already during the development of a source questionnaire, various methods or activities can be implemented to facilitate translation:

  • Advance translations or translatability assessments: A-priori translations of a source questionnaire that has not yet been finalised in order to identify possible translation problems
  • Annotation of questionnaires: Providing item-specific guidance to translators
  • Cross-cultural procedures (e.g. intercultural design teams, pretests): Improving translatability, cultural relevance, and comparability. 

Already during the development of a source questionnaire, we provide consulting services related to translatability and support you with our experience in cross-national research projects. 

Translation and Translation Assessment Methods

The TRAPD procedure, which is known from the European Social Survey (ESS), serves as a framework:

  • Translation: Two parallel translations 
  • Review: Interdisciplinary team discussion with translators as well subject and survey experts 
  • Adjudication: Finalisation process
  • Pretest: Pretest among the target population
  • Documentation: Documentation of the entire process

We are happy to discuss possible implementations or alternative procedures with you and offer practical advice, for example for the drafting of project and translation instructions for questionnaire translators, for the documentation of a translation project or for the translation itself.

Further Services for the Translation of Questionnaires

In addition to our free consulting services which are based on the notion of self-help, we offer more elaborate consultancy services, such as training for translation teams, participation in or lead of translation discussions, the development of item-specific translation instructions or of project-specific translation guidelines. Please note that these additional services are subject to a fee.

  • Neuert, Cornelia, Tanja Kunz, and Tobias Gummer. 2024. "An empirical evaluation of probing questions investigating question comprehensibility in web surveys." International Journal of Social Research Methodology online first. doi:
  • Repke, Lydia, Lukas Birkenmaier, and Clemens Lechner. 2024. Validity in Survey Research - From Research Design to Measurement Instruments. Mannheim, GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS – Survey Guidelines). doi:
  • Ell, Theresia, Lydia Repke, and Henning Silber. 2024. "Personal and Technology-Based Communication and Its Impact on Mental Health From a Network Perspective." Sunbelt Conference 2024, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 2024-06-24.
  • Repke, Lydia, Theresia Ell, and Henning Silber. 2024. "Beyond Distancing - An Examination of Social Networks and Mental Health in the Covid-19 Era." Sunbelt Conference 2024, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 2024-06-24.
  • Neuert, Cornelia. 2024 (Forthcoming). "How do alternative gendered linguistic forms affect response behavior in surveys?" Field Methods.
  • Neuert, Cornelia, Tanja Kunz, and Tobias Gummer. 2024. "An empirical evaluation of probing questions investigating question comprehensibility in web surveys." International Journal of Social Research Methodology online first. doi:
  • Repke, Lydia, Lukas Birkenmaier, and Clemens Lechner. 2024. Validity in Survey Research - From Research Design to Measurement Instruments. Mannheim, GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS – Survey Guidelines). doi:
  • Ell, Theresia, Lydia Repke, and Henning Silber. 2024. "Personal and Technology-Based Communication and Its Impact on Mental Health From a Network Perspective." Sunbelt Conference 2024, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 2024-06-24.
  • Repke, Lydia, Theresia Ell, and Henning Silber. 2024. "Beyond Distancing - An Examination of Social Networks and Mental Health in the Covid-19 Era." Sunbelt Conference 2024, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 2024-06-24.
  • Neuert, Cornelia. 2024 (Forthcoming). "How do alternative gendered linguistic forms affect response behavior in surveys?" Field Methods.
  • Neuert, Cornelia, Tanja Kunz, and Tobias Gummer. 2024. "An empirical evaluation of probing questions investigating question comprehensibility in web surveys." International Journal of Social Research Methodology online first. doi:
  • Repke, Lydia, Lukas Birkenmaier, and Clemens Lechner. 2024. Validity in Survey Research - From Research Design to Measurement Instruments. Mannheim, GESIS – Leibniz-Institute for the Social Sciences (GESIS – Survey Guidelines). doi:
  • Ell, Theresia, Lydia Repke, and Henning Silber. 2024. "Personal and Technology-Based Communication and Its Impact on Mental Health From a Network Perspective." Sunbelt Conference 2024, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 2024-06-24.
  • Repke, Lydia, Theresia Ell, and Henning Silber. 2024. "Beyond Distancing - An Examination of Social Networks and Mental Health in the Covid-19 Era." Sunbelt Conference 2024, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, 2024-06-24.
  • Neuert, Cornelia. 2024 (Forthcoming). "How do alternative gendered linguistic forms affect response behavior in surveys?" Field Methods.
  • Quandt, Markus, and Peter Schmidt. 2024. "Introduction to the special issue of the International Journal of Comparative Sociology on “National identity, nationalism, patriotism, and globalization”." International Journal of Comparative Sociology 65 (2): 101-111. doi:
  • Daikeler, Jessica, Leon Fröhling, Indira Sen, Lukas Birkenmaier, Tobias Gummer, Jan Schwalbach, Henning Silber, Bernd Weiß, Katrin Weller, and Clemens Lechner. 2024. "Assessing Data Quality in the Age of Digital Social Research: A Systematic Review." Social Science Computer Review online first. doi:
  • Singh, Ranjit K., Cornelia Neuert, and Tenko Raykov. 2023. "Assessing conceptual comparability of single-item survey instruments with a mixed-methods approach." Quality & Quantity online first. doi:
  • Hadler, Patricia. 2023. Context effects in question evaluation via web probing: Exploring the interaction of open-ended and closed survey questions. Mannheim: MADOC.
  • Höhne, Jan Karem, Conrad Ziller, and Timo Lenzner. 2023. "Investigating respondents’ willingness to participate in video-based web surveys." International Journal of Market Research online first. doi:
  • Neuert, Cornelia, and Tobias Gummer. 2023. "Introducing the Validation of Data Quality Indicators Through Re-Classification: The example of SQP and pretest surveys." International Journal of Market Research Online first. doi:
  • Kunz, Tanja, Jessica Daikeler, and Daniela Ackermann-Piek. 2024. "Interviewer-observed paradata in mixed-mode and innovative data collection." International Journal of Market Research 66 (1): 14-26. doi:
  • Hadler, Patricia. 2023. "The effects of open-ended probes on closed survey questions in web surveys." Sociological Methods & Research online first. doi:
  • Schneider, Silke L., Elena Chincarini, Elisabeth Liebau, Verena Ortmanns, Lisa Pagel, and Carina Schönmoser. 2023. Die Messung von Bildung bei Migrantinnen und Migranten in Umfragen. GESIS Survey Guidelines. Mannheim: GESIS. doi:
  • Palm, Lennart, Silke L. Schneider, and Sarah Müller. 2023. "Vergleich der Empfehlungen zur Erhebung sozio-demographischer Merkmale in epidemiologischen und sozialwissenschaftlichen Umfragen." Konsortium für die Sozial-, Verhaltens-, Bildungs-und Wirtschaftswissenschaften (KonsortSWD). doi:
  • Schneider, Silke L.. 2023. "Session H: Sozio-demographische Variablen in Umfragen: Forschungspotentiale durch Harmonisierung steigern." 9. Konferenz für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (KSWD), dbb forum, Berlin, 2023-03-28 - 2023-03-28.
  • Schneider, Silke L., Lennart Palm, and Melanie Partsch. 2023. "Gleiche Konzepte, unterschiedliche Messungen. Entwicklung und Validierung sozio-demographischer Standardvariablen." 9. Konferenz für Sozial- und Wirtschaftsdaten (KSWD), Session H: Sozio-demographische Variablen in Umfragen: Forschungspotentiale durch Harmonisierung steigern, dbb forum, Berlin, 2023-03-28.
  • Schneider, Silke L., Lennart Palm, and Melanie Partsch. 2023. "Soziodemographische Standardvariablen zur Herstellung von Vergleichbarkeit über Umfragen hinweg." Frühjahrstagung der DGS-Sektion „Soziale Ungleichheit und Sozialstrukturanalyse“, GESIS - Leibniz-Institut für Sozialwissenschaften, Mannheim, 2023-03-24.
  • Neuert, Cornelia, and Timo Lenzner. 2023. "Design of multiple open-ended probes in cognitive online pretests using web probing." Survey Methods: Insights from the Field (SMIF) 1 (1). doi:
  • Burger, Axel. 2023. "Potenziale der Messung von Einstellungsambivalenz in Wahlstudien." Wahlstudientreff DACH 2023, Goethe Universität, Frankfurt, 2023-03-02.