Trust in National and International Institutions

Please see also: Detailed overview of occurrence of items over time (194 kB)

Eurobarometer 24

How much do you trust the (national government) to do what is right? Do you trust it just about always, most of the time, only some of the time, or almost never?

Eurobarometer 48 ff.

I would like to ask you a question about how much trust you have in certain institutions. For each of the following institutions, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it.

  • The press
  • The Radio
  • Television
  • The Internet 
  • Online Social Networks [starting with EB 82.3]
  • The Justice (the (national) legal) system
  • The police
  • The army
  • The church [56.2 ff.: The religious institutions]
  • Trade unions
  • Political parties
  • The Civil service
  • Big companies 
  • Small companies / SMEs [EB 74.2]
  • The (national) government 
  • The national Parliament (use proper name)
  • The European Union 
  • The United Nations
  • Non-Governmental Organizations (or NGOs)
  • Charitable [51 ff.: or voluntary] organizations 
  • The educational system
  • Consumer Associations 
  • The Council of your city/village 
  • Regional and local public authorities 
  • NATO 
ZA Study Number Eurobarometer Fieldwork Month Fieldwork Year Question Number Variable Name (1)
1542 24 10-11 1985 Q.162 (2) V24
2959 48.0 10-11 1997 Q.6a-q V46-V62
3086 50.1 11-12 1998 Q.59a-d (5)  
3171 51.0 3-4 1999 Q.6a-q  
3387 54.1 11-12 2000 Q.59  
3507 55.1 4-5 2001 Q.10  
3627 56.2 10-11 2001 Q.34  
3639 57.1 3-5 2002 Q.8  
3904 59.1 3-4 2003 Q.4  
3938 60.1 10-11 2003 Q.6  
4056 61 2-3 2004 Q.7  
4229 62.0 10-11 2004 Q.10  
4411 63.4 5-6 2005 QA7  
4414 64.2 10-11 2005 QA7  
4506 65.2 3-5 2006 QA10  
4526 66.1 9-10 2006 QA6  
4528 66.3 11-12 2006 QA18  
4530 67.2 4-5 2007 QA16  
4565 68.1 9-11 2007 QA8    
4744 69.1 3-5 2008 QA12  
4819 70.1 10-11 2008 QA12  
4971 71.1 1-2 2009 QA9  
4973 71.3  6-7  2009  QA14 (8)     
4975 72.1 8-9 2009 QA17(8)/QA18  
4994 72.4 10-11 2009 QA10  
5234 73.4 5 2010 QA14      
5237 74.1 8-9 2010 QA17(8)  
5449 74.2 11-12 2010 QA12a/b  
5481 75.3 5 2011 QA13   
5567 76.3 11 2011 QA10  
5612 77.3 5 2012 QA13   
5685 78.1 11 2012 QA11  
5689 79.3 5 2013 QA12  
5876 80.1 11 2013 QA10  
5913 81.2 3 2014 QA7  
5928 81.4 5-6 2014 QA9  
5932 82.3 11 2014 QA8  
5998 83.3 5 2015 QA8  
6643 84.3 11 2015 QA8  
6694 85.2 5 2016 QA8  
6788 86.2 11 2016 QA8  
6862 87.2 4 2017 QA4  
6863 87.3 5 2017 QA8  
6928 88.3 11 2017 QA8  
6963 89.1 3 2018 QA8  
7489 90.3 11 2018 QA8  
7562 91.2 3 2019 QA3  
7576 91.5 6-7 2019 QA6  
7601 92.3 11-12 2019 QA6  
7649 93.1 7-8 2020 QA6  
7780 94.3 2-3 2021 QA6  
7783 95.3 6-7 2021 QA6  
7848 96.3 1-2 2022 QA6  
7902 97.5 6-7 2022 QA6  
7953 98.2 1-2 2022 QA6  
7997 99.4 5-6 2023 QA6  
8779 100.2 10-11 2023 QA6  

Trust in European Institutions

Eurobarometer 41 to 45

Many important decisions are made by the European Union. They might be in the interest of the of people like yourself, or they might not. To what extent do you feel you can rely on each of the following institutions to make sure that the decisions taken by this institution are in the interest of people like yourself (can rely on it / cannot rely on it)?

Eurobarometer 51.0 ff.
Follow-up question to 'awareness' (and 'perceived importance') of these institutions:

Have you ever heard of (European Institutions)? ... and for each of them, please tell me if you tend to trust it or tend not to trust it.

  • The national Parliament (only up to EB 45)
  • The (national) government (only up to EB 45)
  • The European Parliament
  • The European Commission
  • The Council of Ministers of the European Union
  • The (European) Court of Justice (of the European Union) 
  • The European Ombudsman
  • The European Central Bank
  • The European Court of Auditors 
  • The Committee of the Regions of the European Union 
  • The (European) Social and Economic Committee (of the European Union) 
  • The Convention on the future of the European Union 

SEE: "Population with confidence in EU institutions by institution" time series data provided by EUROSTAT (tables, graphs and maps).

ZA Study Number Eurobarometer Fieldwork Month Fieldwork Year Question Number Variable Name (1)
2491 41.1 6-7 1994 Q.33 (3) V103-V108
2563 42 11-12 1994 Q.77 V306-V310
2637 43.1 4-5 1995 Q.37 V329-V333
2690 44.1 11-12 1995 Q.34 V342-V346
2828 44.2bis 2 1996 Q.39 V467-V471
2831 45.1 4-5 1996 Q.25 <not available>
3171 51.0 3-4 1999 Q.16c  
3204 52.0 10-11 1999 Q.28 (4)  
3296 53 3-4 2000 Q.27  
3387 54.1 11-12 2000 Q.26  
3507 55.1 4-5 2001 Q.24  
3627 56.2 10-11 2001 Q.26  
3639 57.1 3-5 2002 Q.21  
3693 58.1 10-11 2002 Q.21  
3904 59.1 3-4 2003 Q.17  
3938 60.1 10-11 2003 Q.22  
4056 61 2-3 2004 Q.23  
4229 62.0 10-11 2004 Q.29  
4231 62.2 11-12 2004 QA2  
4411 63.4 5-6 2005 QA23 (6)  
4414 64.2 10-11 2005 QA27 (6)  
4506 65.2 3-5 2006 QA25  
4526 66.1 9-10 2006 QA19 (6)    
4530 67.2 4-5 2007 QA15  
4565 68.1 9-11 2007 QA16    
4744 69.2 3-5 2008 QA18  
4819 70.1 10-11 2008 QA18  
4971 71.1 1-2 2009 QA14 (7)  
4973 71.3 6-7 2009 QA14  
4994 72.4 10-11 2009 QA14  
5234 73.4 2010  QA18   
5449 74.2 11-12 2010 QA17  
5481 75.3 5 2011 QA17  
5567 76.3 5 2011 QA14  
5612 77.3 5 2012 QA17   
5685 78.1 11 2012 QA16   
5689 79.3 5 2013 QA18   
5876 80.1 11 2013 QA15  
5013 81.2 3 2014 QA10  
5928 81.4 5-6 2014 QA15  
5923 82.3 11 2014 QA17  
5998 83.3 5 2015 QA16  
6596 84.1 9 2015 QP8 (9)  
6643 84.3 11 2015 QA13  
6694 85.2 5 2016 QA15  
6788 86.2 11 2016 QA15  
6863 87.3 5 2017 QA14  
6928 88.3 11 2017 QA14  
6963 89.1 3 2018 QA14  
7489 90.3 11 2018 QA13  
7576 91.5 6-7 2019 QA14  
7601 92.3 11-12 2019 QA12  
7649 93.1 7-8 2020 QA12  
7780 94.3 2-3 2021 QA8  
7783 95.3 6-7 2021 QA10  
7848 96.3 1-2 2022 QA8  
7902 97.5 6-7 2022 QA10  
7953 98.2 1-2 2023 QA11  
7997 99.4 5-6 2023 QA11  
8779 100.2 10-11 2023 QA10  

(1) Please note that the variable names refer to the final ICPSR/ZA codebook editions, if available.

(2) Notice different question and answer wording! Only asked in Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain and Spain.

(3) 10-point-scale: 1. Cannot rely on it at all ... 10. Can rely on it completely.
/ 1. Do not trust at all ... 10. Trust completely

(4) Followed by the additional question: And, for each of them, please tell me if you are tending to put more trust or tending to put less trust in?

(5) Please tell me how much you trust each of the following? a) your local (city, town, village) government; b) your regional government; c) your national government; d) the European Union. Answer categories: a lot/a great deal of trust, some/a little trust, not very much trust, no trust at all.

(6) Two items modified: - The Council of the European Union; - The Court of Justice of the European Communities

(7) Preceding question on "awareness" dropped.

(8) 10-point-scale: "Please tell me how much you personally trust each of the following institutions using a scale from 1 to 10 where [1] means ‘you do not trust the institution at all' and [10] means ‘you trust it completely'." Two items only: - national parliament, - national government.

(9) Only one item: European Parliament