How to help a child get rid of complexes?

From our article you will learn how to help a child cope with psychological complexes.

– Presence of dictatorship in the group.

At the age of 7-13 years, the child has a desire to be like all his peers and read  After all, if a child has his own individuality: he is fond of original music or creativity, he will have a different appearance, then the children’s team will reject him and he will become an “outcast”, a “stumbling block” of his peers.

In the children’s team, it is not customary to be smart or show their concern, everyone should act as is customary in the group. Therefore, at this age, the first signs of psychological complexes appear in children. If his hobbies or he himself does not fit the group, then the child may become timid and shy so that he is not completely rejected.

– Acceptance of your individuality.

According to the well-known psychologist, it is necessary to convincingly explain to the child that his dissimilarity to other children is the main advantage and distinctive personality. As an example, you can often remind him how cleverly he is at reconciliation of quarreling children, he is valued as a good friend and an honest person, he plays the violin or draws well.

Remember people who are endowed with individuality and differ from the stereotypes imposed by television, advertising or their peers.

Before you convince a child of something and be heard, you need to understand how his group lives, what its views are based on. After all, sometimes the influence of the group is much more than the words of the parents. And therefore, sometimes it is worth listening to the wishes of the child and not talking about his hobbies, so as not to subject him to persecution.

Parents need to make every effort to raise a harmoniously developed child. So that he goes in for sports, knows how to communicate with friends, is not shy about his height or activities, finding his strength and individuality in this. Then, he will come into adulthood confident in himself, despite some individuality or difference.

– Listen to the wishes of the child and read

Sometimes the wishes of the child can be more beneficial than the strong recommendations of the parents. For example: a girl suffers from short stature and an ugly face. Classes in the theater circle further strengthened her complexes. But the catchy bright youth clothes that she asked to buy were liked in her circle, and she began to behave more confidently.