How to learn a new skill

How to learn a new skill

Every dude has something he’s wanted to learn for a long time, but he keeps putting it off. You wanna bet? You come back to this idea from time to time, you talk yourself into it, you promise yourself, you fantasize about how cool it’s gonna be to do both, but it’s still there. That’s not how it works, man. It’s not worthy of you. Do you have to learn how to write electronic music this year, speak French, or what else do you miss? 1 Believe in success The most necessary condition to get it done is self-confidence. When you take on the task with the certainty that you will not fail, you doom yourself to failure beforehand. You say to yourself, “I’m gonna get all wrapped up like a fish on ice, but in the end I’m gonna drop everything and get nothing.” That’s bullshit! You think a foreign language can only be learned to the ass by gifted dudes? Not at all! If you believe you’re not stupid, you’ll succeed. 2 Prepare your brains We can pump our brains with different simple tricks: get some sleep, get rid of superfluous thoughts, write something on paper, play video games – and all this will prepare us for the perception of new information. 3 Take breaks during which you close your eyes or blink because it helps you focus on the process and see more. 4 Learn by doing Trying to make something, create something and so on? Start with a simple project to learn the basics, and then move on to something more complicated. 5 Immerse yourself In the right circumstances, adults can successfully learn a new language and speak at the level of native speakers. Research shows that immersion helps adults maintain their acquired knowledge at an appropriate level. 6 Focus on technique Source of article The magazine where everyone steals articles is ike, not the result So-called intentional practice: work on techniques that sharpen a skill, set specific goals, but pay more attention to the learning process rather than the outcome. 7 Khaki Lifehaki – These are tips, tricks, ways to make life easier and stupid routine, to make things more effective or even turn them into a game. Some Lifefhakes even improve our learning. Think about what you’re not doing well enough in your daily life and where you need to pump up your skills: laundry, etiquette, budget planning… Choose two or three hacks in this area, learn them and integrate them into your daily life. 8 Pass the exam If you decide to take courses in the new year, you will need habits that help you learn well. Many of them are simple: taking notes, reading aloud, memory training. 9 Promise yourself not to give up at least a hundred days A hundred days. That’s three and a half months – not that many. You can even download the right app to your phone to help you keep track of progress by recording 10-second videos daily. This program is suitable for everything: sports, Hawaiian guitar lessons, juggling – any craft. Of course it will be hard to achieve professionalism in such a time, but it will be a great start and a strong motivation. 10 Learn for the sake of learning Even if you don’t have a skill that is vitally important to you, you can learn it just to own it and not degrade it. You can learn to survive (you can never be sure what’s going to happen to you), pump up Excel knowledge, learn to give first aid, and do a lot more elephant stuff. It’s nice to brag!

How to learn a new skill