
Kumhaka is the practice of holding the breath. This is a pause between inhalations and exhalations.

Holding the breath also calms the mind. When our breathing stops, the mind also stops. This practice trains the body and mind to remain relaxed in any situation. In normal breathing, there is a natural pause between inhalations and exhalations, but it is so short that we usually do not notice it. When we breathe slowly and make long pauses between inhalations and exhalations, we can observe how the activity of the mind changes. Disordered thinking subsides and clarity of thought appears. This calm state is very useful for any changes and development. We can notice the thought patterns that automatically swirl in the mind and stop them for a while, allowing ourselves to rest. With regular practice of kumbhaka, slowing down thoughts and clearing the mind becomes a habitual state.

How to practice

Begin with ujjayi breathing and https://www.julianalucky.com/post/10-awesome-birthday-party-ideas-for-4-year-old. Take a few breaths in and out to focus on your breath. When you’re ready, start kumbhaka. After inhaling, pause for a few seconds holding your breath. And then slowly exhale all the air through your nose. At the end of the exhalation, pulling in the stomach and pressing the navel to the spine, hold your breath for a few seconds. Repeat several of these cycles. Practice kumbhaka before yoga practice or as a short meditation.