The role of motivation in the psychology of education

Motivation is an internal state that activates, guides, and maintains desired behavior. Motivation determines how a person learns and how he relates to the subject being studied and She is:

Provides direction to goals.
Enhances learning abilities and cognitive processing performance.
Leads to increased effort and energy.
Increases perseverance and perseverance.
Many studies in the field of educational psychology and show the same thing: no amount of will and discipline will help if the student does not develop intrinsic motivation. All external factors have only a short-term effect.

The attribution theory developed by Bernard Weiner is also interesting. He points out that students’ beliefs about their future successes and failures have a direct effect on increasing their skills, emotions, and motivation. For example, when students fail and feel like they have no control over the situation, feelings of shame and guilt set in, resulting in poor performance. Conversely, when they feel that they can influence their success, they redouble their efforts and get good grades and knowledge.

Motivation is also influenced by what goals the student sets for himself. If their essence is to achieve a certain level of mastery in, then the student seeks to improve his abilities and skills at all costs. The same result is achieved by those whose task is to get good grades.

A goal based on mastery leads to the following results:

Perseverance in the face of failure.
The desire to solve complex problems.
intrinsic motivation.
Locus of control is also a significant factor in student success. To confirm this, Cassandra B. White conducted an experiment that found that people who believe that their hard work will lead to more successful learning outcomes, not dependent on luck or fate, achieve greater learning success. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to instill in the student this way of thinking.