It’s the last month of summer. “School bazaars” are already appearing in shopping centers, in clothing stores summer collections are changing to autumn – school ones. Before we know it, autumn will come, and with it the time for school lessons, homework, parent meetings and other “charms” of the life of parents of schoolchildren.

Mother Helping Son With Homework Sitting At Desk In Bedroom

What feeling do you, dear parents, have when you think about your children’s school days? I asked this question in reality to my friends and my clients. There were few even neutral answers, like “yes, everything is fine, school and school,” not to mention positive ones. Basically, the answers of the parents came down to “don’t remind me, let me breathe for another month”, “again this hard labor”, “solid overcoming”, “everyday torment”. Then, thanks to an inquisitive mind and restless professionalism, I decided to find out what exactly causes such negativity among the parents of schoolchildren. The result is a list:

the child refuses to do homework and read https://argoprep.com/blog/why-do-you-need-hexagonal-thinking-in-the-classrooms/, needs constant monitoring and help
he is not interested in anything, I have to persuade him to go to school all the time
constantly torments me with the question “Why do I need this item? I will not be a physicist (geographer, biologist…)”
does not do homework, goes to school only to communicate
constantly conflicts with teachers and students, I’m tired of listening to complaints
studies “slipshod”, for me, not for himself
you have to make a choice, which exams to take, where to enter, but he cannot decide.

In summary, parents want their child to:

wanted to go to school
studied, if not with pleasure, then at least with an understanding of the need and importance of training, in other words, was motivated
Build relationships with teachers and classmates
I was ready to make a choice of a further life path, for this I would successfully pass exams and enter a university.