How to prepare a child for school at home at age 6, gre verbal practice

The idea that everything that a literate person should know and be able to teach a child at school is long gone. If before most parents believed that preparing a child for school and studying with him at home – only to deprive him of that childhood, now such ideas are considered wrong. Parents try to give their children to school preparation centers or to deal with them at home. How to prepare a child 6 years old for school at home, what to do with the future student in the last year before admission to school – these issues concern most parents of six-year-old children.

How to prepare a child for school at home at age 6, gre verbal practice

How to properly organize preparatory lessons for future first graders
Proper organization of the child’s home preparation for school is extremely important! Parents should be clearly aware of one main thing – at the age of 6, a child can be interested in learning so that his or her eyes will burn for the whole ten years at school and four years at university, and he or she will be happy to learn and learn throughout life. However, it is in the power of the same parents to hurt and permanently discourage a child from studying. If the preparation for school will resemble a six-year-old exciting game, this will not happen.

Here are ten tips on how to properly organize classes for preschoolers:

Observe what is the biorhythm of the child during the day, it is desirable to find the time of day when the child has the highest performance. Do not be afraid to experiment and try to study with him at different times, so you will find a good time for classes, each child has a different time.
Make sure that you are in a good mood during class. The child feels the mood of the parents and it is transmitted to them.
Class should not be a pampering. Still, you are busy with serious business, so turn off the TV, radio, etc. Determine a place for your child to study, which then becomes his or her place to prepare homework during school years.
The class time for a child of six years should not exceed half an hour. However, keep in mind that the very first lessons can take much shorter time, depending on how diligent your child is.
Do not abuse the child’s perseverance. Even if a six-year-old is fond of classes and happy to learn, still 30-35 minutes – the limit, otherwise he just overworked. Always need to do something else, play a movable game, etc.
For a child of six years it is normal to distract from the class, do not be angry with him for it. If you learn to read, and the baby suddenly wanted to tell you a fascinating story about the Earring from the second entrance, let it talk. Then smoothly bring him back to class.
Always take short breaks every 10 minutes! It is especially important to interrupt the class with writing, stretching your fingers and body.
Praise your child for all his achievements! No matter how smart your parents are, you should not take your child’s achievements for granted. The child should be encouraged. Praise him for particularly remarkable success in the face of relatives, friends, neighbors – the child should be able to feel his own success. The main thing – do not over praise, feel the measure.
Turn the class into a kind of a series. Use a simple method used by TV series producers – leave an intriguing lead on the next “series” at the end of the lesson.
The teachers’ opinions differ on how to distribute the complexity of the tasks during a lesson. Some think it’s best to set a challenging task at the beginning and then do more and more easy tasks. However, if a child feels powerless before such a task, the whole activity may go to waste. So experiment. Try a universal option that suits most people – start and finish with easy tasks, and in the middle of the lesson to put the most difficult.

How to prepare a child for school at home at age 6, gre verbal practice

What a future first-grader should know and be able to do…

Primary school teachers, when looking at six-year-olds as potential candidates for next year’s intake, look at a certain set of knowledge and skills. It often happens that parents focus on one thing, preparing their child for school, neglecting some other aspects of development. As a result, it turns out that the child on the first day of school can understand the bill to a thousand, but can not communicate with other children or can get lost in school in search of the toilet.
When preparing assignments to prepare a six-year-old for school, consider that a well-rounded first-grader should know the following things when entering school:

Say your name, surname and patronymic of your parents, know your home address, in which city and country he lives.
To know the birthdays of the own and parents.
Know the days of the week, months and seasons of the year, and in their sequence.
Know the names of common plants and animals.
Know the basic colors.
Know the basics of traffic rules.
Know what sports are, what professions are, can give the names of famous writers and poets.
Name the main holidays of the year.
Distinguish “right” and “left”.
Understand “more” and “less”, “older” and “younger”, “short” and “long”, “equal” and “different”, etc.
Understand the difference between street, city and country.
Understand the difference between the street, city and country, do not confuse the river and sea.
Understand the difference between fruits and vegetables or berries, and trees and shrubs.
To know how letters differ from sounds and vowels differ from consonants.
Understand that if the task is not clear, you need to ask an adult what he means.
Teachers, checking the child’s level of preparation for school, look at the basic skills that a child should have by six or seven years:

How to prepare a child for school at home at age 6, gre verbal practice

Solving simple tasks (including logical), guessing riddles.
Restoring consistency, identifying common subjects and the ability to find differences.
Description of the picture, retelling stories, the ability to memorize small poems and prose passages from 5-6 sentences.
Count to 10 and perform simple arithmetic actions.
Reading short sentences, which include up to five words. Understand what has been read. Past tense of ride for child.
Ability to determine how many sounds and syllables there are in short words.
The skill of cutting out with scissors, including the contour drawn. The skill of cutting out geometrical figures.
Ability to own a pencil or pencil: drawing of smooth lines without a ruler, shading and painting without leaving a contour.

We have listed the knowledge and skills that a child should have before school. In principle, it is okay if a child does not possess all these knowledge and skills. As wrong as it is to think that at school children will be taught everything they need, it is just as wrong to think that all the knowledge and skills the child should certainly get at home. The main thing that must be achieved during the home lessons with a preschooler – to prepare that for school psychologically. The child should not be embarrassed when asked about something that he knows, he should feel free to answer questions from the teacher.

How to teach a child to read, gre verbal practice.

We wrote a separate article on gre verbal practice for a child. Let us recall the most important thing that should be remembered all the time, teaching the child to read:

How to teach a child to write.
To teach your child to write, use prescriptions for children that already contain special writing exercises.

Keep in mind that a six-year-old child has not yet definitively formed spatial thinking, so if he does not distinguish badly between “right” and “left,” he is likely to write the letters incorrectly, as if in a mirror reflection. This is normal, but still need to unobtrusively correct the baby, as well as engage with him so that he firmly learned where the left and where the right.

For training, you can periodically ask your child to show you where his right ear is and where his left ear is. Let your child tell you what is happening to his right and left ear. If it is difficult for him to understand the difference between these two sides – work out with him on this issue, explain these concepts again.

Another way to train spatial thinking that is important for writing is to play with the dice. At six years of age, your child should be able to put together a picture of six cubes or a picture cut into six squares. If it is too difficult for him, start with four dice, then move on to six.

It is also extremely important to develop fine motor skills in your child’s fingers, for this he should buy a designer and a mosaic.
If a child has difficulty giving some letters, draw the contours of such letters large on a sheet of A4 and ask the child to paint it. Then the letter can be cut out, it is useful to mould it out of plasticine. Discuss with your child what other letters are similar to those that cause difficulty. What it is associated with.

P.S. Remember that it is important to deal with your child regularly, not occasionally. Try to make sure that the activities are interesting to your child so that they are waiting for a new activity. In fact, at the age of six, your child is drawn to knowledge, wants to learn something new, and all he or she needs to do is to help absorb the new knowledge and skills that will be useful to him or her at school and will generally help his or her psycho-physiological development!