Be part of the CSS community
GESIS promotes the formation and networking of an interdisciplinary Computational Social Science community by organizing international conferences, symposia, and workshops. Among those are the 3rd International Conference on Computational Social Science (IC2S2 2017) and the 10th International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM-16), the European Symposium Series on Societal Challenges in Computational Social Science, the KickOff Workshop International Research in Computational Social Science and many more.
Computational Social Science Network Google Group
GESIS has established a CSSNET Google Group open to all scientists who are interested in Computational Social Science as a digital forum for exchanging ideas, offering jobs, announcing events, and keeping in touch. Researchers from all disciplines are most welcome to join.
Lecture and seminar series: CSS Seminar
The GESIS Computational Social Science (CSS) Seminar is part of the public lectures of the GESIS lecture series. The CSS Seminar is an English-language, approximately monthly event for the exchange of experts on the topics of data science and social analytics.