Equality and equal opportunities - guiding principles of GESIS
We believe that equal opportunities for women and men are essential for our success as an institution. This is why one of our guiding principles at GESIS is promoting gender equality in all remits. Our regularly updated personnel development plan depicts the current situation of female employees. On these grounds we develop and evaluate measures that aim at providing equal opportunities, notably at increasing the proportion of women in management positions. To bring more women in leadership positions, we follow a target quota that is based on a cascade model.
Measures that aim at providing gender equality include: active recruitment of women for leading positions; individual support options such as participation in the Leibniz mentoring programme; transparent and plannable career options; equal opportunities for part-time employees; and arrangements for work-life balance.
GESIS complies with all regulations and standards on gender equality that are relevant for publicly funded research institutions, namely the regulations given by the Joint Science Conference as well as the standards set by the DFG and the Leibniz Association. In all aspects of gender equality, GESIS is advised by its equal opportunities officer and her team. The equal opportunities officer participates in all management board meetings and gives advice on structural or organisational processes. She takes part in all decisions that involve human resources.
General information on equal opportunities in research institutions is available from the GESIS Center of Excellence Women and Science (CEWS). CEWS services include /femconsult, a career database for female researchers.