GESIS Panel.dbd Digital Behavioral Data Sample

With the GESIS Panel.dbd Digital Behavioral Data Sample, survey and digital behavioral data can be collected in a linked manner by combining the collection of survey data using online questionnaires and the tracking of participants' browsing history.
The GESIS Panel.dbd constitutes together with the GESIS Panel.pop Population Sample the GESIS Panel. The GESIS Panel.dbd is aimed at primary researchers. They can submit their research question and research design via a competitive review process and collect data with the GESIS Panel.dbd free of charge in case of a positive review.
The collected data is available to the scientific community for secondary analyses.

Cost free collection and linking of high-quality data from longitudinal surveys with digital behavioral data for researchers

The GP.dbd uses a hybrid sample design; around half of the respondents were recruited from high-quality random samples.

The GP.dbd data is also available without embargo for secondary analytical questions.

The online-based GP.dbd complements the GP.pop with regard to ad hoc surveys, among other things.

What is the GESIS Panel.dbd Digital Behavioral Data Sample?

The GESIS Panel.dbd is open to all researchers from the social, behavioral and related sciences who want to investigate social phenomena or established theories that have emerged through digitalization with new research data. The GP.dbd enables the integrated collection of online survey and web tracking data and also allows quick ad hoc surveys.

The GP.dbd survey program consists of study submissions from the scientific community and the core studies, which are repeated regularly (usually annually). The core studies ensure that relevant background information such as socio-demographics and constructs from disciplines such as political science, sociology or psychology are collected. The survey with the GP.dbd as part of a competitive review process is free of charge for researchers.

Data quality is our focus. On the one hand, we carry out accompanying methodological research in order to continuously improve the quality of this service. On the other hand, the studies submitted undergo an external peer review.

Who is surveyed?

The GESIS Panel.dbd sample was realized with a hybrid sampling approach. Participants were recruited from high-quality, random-based GESIS surveys such as ALLBUS, GLES or the GESIS Panel.pop Population Sample. In addition, a further part of the sample was drawn from a random register sample conducted specifically for this purpose. This sample was supplemented with people who were recruited via advertisements on Facebook and Instagram. The GP.dbd currently comprises around 5,600 participants, who are regularly refreshed.

Outlook - further digital behavioral data

As part of the 2024 European elections, the GP.dbd will conduct a pilot study with the GESIS smartphone app AppKit. In the future, the collection of data donations will also be examined.

When can studies be submitted to GP.dbd?

The GP.dbd will be opened to the scientific community in Q2 2024 with a call for item submissions.

*** GESIS Panel.dbd is a service in development.

If you have questions, feedback, or wish to collaborate please e-mail us. ***