Eurobarometer trends and trend files

A large number of questions asked in standard Eurobarometer surveys have been replicated more or less regularly over time. They refer to European Union topics (e.g. attitudes towards the European unification, EU institutions and policies) and to general socio-cultural or socio-political orientations (e.g. political participation, trust in institutions, cultural identity, ...). They are complemented by standard demographics referring to the respondent, the household and to the locality.

For some indicators the number of measurement points from the early seventies until recently adds up to - for example - over 70 measures for "satisfaction with democracy performance" or even some 100 measures for "general life satisfaction". A detailed continuity guide documents selected Standard Eurobarometer trend questions and their appearance over time: 

Cumulative trend files

Aggregated time series

The European Commission provides access to aggregated results for Eurobarometer standard trends:

The European Parliament has published an exploratory study on "Major Changes in European Public Opinion with Regard to the European Union" 1973-2014.

Contact persons

Dr. Boris Heizmann & Serap Firat