
Die vielen Gesichter von GESIS


Dr. Dimitar Dimitrov ist seit 2019 als PostDoc in der Abteilung Wissenstechnologien für die Sozialwissenschaften tätig. Davor hat er Informatik und Software Engineering an der HTWG Konstanz studiert. Das Thema seiner Doktorarbeit lautet: "Aspects of Information Access: Modeling Navigation on Wikipedia".



Katsanidou, Alexia, Marianne Kneuer, Felix Bensmann, Dimitar Dimitrov, and Stefan Dietze. 2023. "Limitations of democratic rights during the Covid-19 pandemic—exploring the citizens’ perception and discussions on dangers to democracy in Germany." Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft 16 (2022) (4): 635–661. doi:

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Florian Lemmerich, Fabian Flöck, and Markus Strohmaier. 2019. "Different topic, different traffic: How search and navigation interplay on Wikipedia." The Journal of Web Science 6 (1): 1-15.

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Schmüser, Juliane, Harshini Sri Ramulu, Noah Wöhler, Christian Stransky, Felix Bensmann, Dimitar Dimitrov, Sebastian Schellhammer, Dominik Wermke, Stefan Dietze, Yasemin Acar, and Sascha Fahl. 2024. "Analyzing Security and Privacy Advice During the 2022 Russian Invasion of Ukraine on Twitter." In CHI '24: Proceedings of the CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, edited by Florian Floyd Mueller, Penny Kyburz, Julie R. Williamson, Corina Sas, Max L. Wilson, Phoebe Toups Dugas, and Irina Shklovski, 574, 1-16. New York: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:

Linzbach, Stephan, Dimitar Dimitrov, Laura Kallmeyer, Kilian Evang, Hajira Jabeen, and Stefan Dietze. 2024. "The Impact of Prompt Syntax and supplementary Information on Knowledge Retrieval from Pretrained Language Models." In Proceedings of the 2024 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (NAACL2024), Mexico City, Mexico, Association for Computational Linguistics.,

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Dennis Segeth, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "Geotagging TweetsCOV19: Enriching a COVID-19 Twitter Discourse Knowledge Base with Geographic Information." In Companion Proceedings of WWW '22: The ACM Web Conference 2022 Virtual Event, Lyon France April 25 - 29, 2022, edited by Frédérique Laforest, Raphaël Troncy, Lionel Médini, and Ivan Herman, 438-442. New York: ACM. doi:

Otto, Wolfgang, Andrea Zielinski, Behnam Ghavimi, Dimitar Dimitrov, Narges Tavakolpoursaleh, Karam Abdulahhad, Katarina Boland, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "Knowledge extraction from scholarly publications: The GESIS contribution to the rich context competition." In Rich search and discovery for research datasets, edited by Julia Lane, Ian Mulvany, and Paco Nathan, 107-127. Los Angeles u.a.: Sage.

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Erdal Baran, Pavlos Fafalios, Ran Yu, Xiaofei Zhu, Matthäus Zloch, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "TweetsCOV19: A knowledge base of semantically annotated tweets about the COVID-19 pandemic." In CIKM '20: Proceedings of the 29th ACM international conference on information & knowledge management, edited by Mathieu d'Aquin, and Stefan Dietze, 2991–2998. New York: ACM. doi:

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Florian Lemmerich, Fabian Flöck, and Markus Strohmaier. 2018. "Query for architecture, click through military: Comparing the roles of search and navigation on Wikipedia." In WebSci '18 Proceedings of the 10th ACM Conference on Web Science, edited by Hans Akkermans, Kathy Fontaine, Ivar Vermeulen, Geert-Jan Houben, and Matthew S. Weber, 371-380. New York: ACM. doi:

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Denis Helic, and Markus Strohmaier. 2018. "Tag-Based Navigation and Visualization." In Social Information Access: Systems and Technologies, edited by Peter Brusilovsky, and Daqing He, vol 10100, 181--212. doi:

Lemmerich, Florian, Philipp Singer, Martin Becker, Lisette Espín Noboa, Dimitar Dimitrov, Denis Helic, Andreas Hotho, and Markus Strohmaier. 2017. "Comparing hypotheses about sequential data: a bayesian approach and its applications." In Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases - European Conference, ECML PKDD 2017, Skopje, Macedonia, September 18-22, 2017, Proceedings, Part III, edited by Yasemin Altun, Kamalika Das, Taneli Mielikäinen, Donato Malerba, Jerzy Stefanowski, Jesse Read, Marinka Zitnik, Michelangelo Ceci, and Saso Dzeroski, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 10536, 354-357. Cham: Springer. doi:

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2017. "Modeling Navigation in Information Networks." In WSDM '17 Proceedings of the Tenth ACM International Conference on Web Search and Data Mining, 845-846. New York: ACM. doi:

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Philipp Singer, Florian Lemmerich, and Markus Strohmaier. 2017. "What Makes a Link Successful on Wikipedia?" In Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2017, Perth, Australia, April 3-7, 2017, edited by Rick Barrett, Rick Cummings, Eugene Agichtein, and Evgeniy Gabrilovich, 917-926. New York: ACM. doi:

Lamprecht, Daniel, Dimitar Dimitrov, Denis Helic, and Markus Strohmaier. 2016. "Evaluating and Improving Navigability of Wikipedia: A Comparative Study of Eight Language Editions." In OpenSym '16 The International Symposium on Open Collaboration, OpenSym , 17:0-17:10. New York: ACM. doi:

Becker, Martin, Hauke Mewes, Andreas Hotho, Dimitar Dimitrov, Florian Lemmerich, and Markus Strohmaier. 2016. "Poster on SparkTrails: A MapReduce Implementation of HypTrails for Comparing Hypotheses About Human Trails." In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2016, Montreal, Canada, April 11-15, 2016, edited by Jacqueline Bourdeau, Jim Hendler, Roger Nkambou, Ian Horrocks, and Ben Y. Zhao, ACM 2016 Companion Volume, 17-18. New York: ACM.

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Philipp Singer, Florian Lemmerich, and Markus Strohmaier. 2016. "Visual Positions of Links and Clicks on Wikipedia." In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on World Wide Web, WWW 2016, Montreal, Canada, April 11-15, 2016, edited by Jacqueline Bourdeau, Jim Hendler, Roger Nkambou, Ian Horrocks, and Ben Y. Zhao, ACM 2016 Companion Volume, 27-28. New York: ACM.

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Philipp Singer, Denis Helic, and Markus Strohmaier. 2015. "The Role of Structural Information for Designing Navigational User Interfaces." In (HT '15) Proceedings of the 26th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media , 59-68. New York: ACM. doi:

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Erdal Baran, and Dennis Wegener. 2013. "Making data citable: a web-based system for the registration of social and economic science data." In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Web Information Systems and Technologies : Aachen, Germany, 8 - 10 May 2013, edited by Karl-Heinz Krempels, and Alexander Stocker, 155-159. SciTePress.

Wira-Alam, Andias, Dimitar Dimitrov, and Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen. 2012. "Extending basic Dublin Core elements for an Open Research Data Archive. Project Report." In Proceedings of the International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications, 56-61.


Dimitrov, Dimitar, and Xiaofei Zhu, ed. 2021. Proceedings of the CIKM AnalytiCup 2020 co-located with 29th ACM International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM 2020) Gawlay (Virtual Event), Ireland, October, 2020. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2881. Aachen: RWTH. urn: urn:nbn:de:0074-2881-0.


Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2018 (Forthcoming). Aspects of Information Access: Modeling Navigation on Wikipedia. Universität Koblenz-Landau, Universitätsbibliothek. urn: urn:nbn:de:kola-17722.


Baran, Erdal, Sebastian Schellhammer, Dimitar Dimitrov, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. TweetsCOV19 - A Semantically Annotated Corpus of Tweets About the COVID-19 Pandemic (Part 4, January 2021 - August 2022). doi:

Segeth, Dennis, and Dimitar Dimitrov. 2022. TweetsCOV19 - Geolocation Data (Part 1, October 2019 - April 2020) . doi:

Baran, Erdal, and Dimitar Dimitrov. 2021. TweetsCOV19 - A semantically annotated corpus of tweets about the COVID-19 pandemic (Part 2, May 2020). doi:

Baran, Erdal, and Dimitar Dimitrov. 2021. TweetsCOV19 - A semantically annotated corpus of tweets about the COVID-19 pandemic (Part 3, June 2020 - December 2020). doi:

Baran, Erdal, and Dimitar Dimitrov. 2020. TweetsCOV19 - A Semantically Annotated Corpus of Tweets About the COVID-19 Pandemic (Part 1, October 2019 - April 2020). doi:

Baran, Erdal, and Dimitar Dimitrov. 2020. TweetsKB - A Public and Large-Scale RDF Corpus of Annotated Tweets (Part 7, April 2018 - April 2019). doi:

Baran, Erdal, and Dimitar Dimitrov. 2020. TweetsKB - A Public and Large-Scale RDF Corpus of Annotated Tweets (Part 8, May 2019 - April 2020). doi:


Dimitrov, Dimitar, Dennis Segeth, and Stefan Dietze. 2022. "Geotagging TweetsCOV19 : Enriching a COVID-19 Twitter Discourse Knowledge Base with Geographic Information." TheWebConf2022, ACM, 2022-04-25.

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Erdal Baran, Pavlos Fafalios, Ran Yu, Xiaofei Zhu, Matthäus Zloch, and Stefan Dietze. 2020. "TweetsCOV19 : A Knowledge Base of Semantically Annotated Tweets about the COVID-19 Pandemic." 29th ACM International Conference on Information & Knowledge Management (CIKM2020), ACM 2020, Virtuell, 2020-10-19.

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Daniel Hienert, Katarina Boland, and Dennis Wegener. 2013. "Linking research data and literature: integration of da|ra and sowiport based on link information from InFoLiS." 39th International Association for Social Science Information Services & Technology (IASSIST 2013).

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Erdal Baran, and Dennis Wegener. 2013. "Making data citable: A web-based system for the registration of social and economic science data." Web Information Systems and Technologies (WEBIST 2013).

Dimitrov, Dimitar, Erdal Baran, and Wegener Dennis. 2013. "Making data citable : the technical architecture of the da|ra information system." IASSIST Conference 2013.

Wira-Alam, Andias, Dimitar Dimitrov, and Wolfgang Zenk-Möltgen. 2012. "Extending Basic Dublin Core Elements for an Open Research Data Archive. Project Report." International Conference on Dublin Core and Metadata Applications.

Hausstein, Brigitte, Nicole Quitzsch, and Dimitar Dimitrov. 2011. "Poster: Making data citable - DOI registration of social and economic data." DataCite 2011 Annual Summer Meeting “Data and the Scholarly Record: The Changing Landscape”.

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Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2024. "AI methods for detecting and understanding scientific / health online discourse." Frühjahrstagung des AK Demokratie, DeGEval , 2024-06-04.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2022. "Extracting, Enriching, and Analyzing Discourse Data​." Invited lecture part of Natural Language Processing course at TH Cologne, TH Köln, Köln, 2022-06-10.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2020. "Beyond research data infrastructures - exploiting artificial & crowd intelligence for building research knowledge graphs." 4th Open Research Knowledge Graphs Workshop at INFORMATIK2020, Virtuell, 2020-10-02.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2020. "Query for Architecture, Click through Military: Comparing the Roles of Search and Navigation on Wikipedia." Online: Wikimedia Research Showcase, 2020-08-19.


Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2024. "Reviews for ESWC." Anzahl: 3.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2024. "Reviews for ISWC." Anzahl: 3.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2023. "Reviews for Hypertext 2023." Anzahl: 4.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2022. "Reviews for Hypertext 2022." Anzahl: 2.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2022. "Reviews for ISWC Resource Track." Anzahl: 10.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2021. "Reviews for Hypertext 2021." Anzahl: 3.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2021. "Reviews for ISWC Resource Track." Anzahl: 5.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2021. "Reviews for SIGIR Resource Track." Anzahl: 3.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2020. "ICWSM 2020 Dataset Track." Anzahl: 1.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2020. "Review for CSCW 2020." Anzahl: 1.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2020. "Reviews for CIKM 2020." Anzahl: 2.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2020. "Reviews for ESWC 2020: Extended Semantic Web Conference." Anzahl: 3.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2020. "Reviews for Hypertext 2020." Anzahl: 3.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2020. "Reviews for WSDM 2020 ." Anzahl: 1.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2019. "Reviews for DC at ECIR 2019: Doctoral Consortium at European Conference on Information Retrieval." Anzahl: 4.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2019. "Reviews for ESWC 2019: Extended Semantic Web Conference." Anzahl: 3.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2019. "Reviews for Hypertext 2019." Anzahl: 5.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2019. "Reviews for ISWC 2019." Anzahl: 1.


Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2024. "4th International Workshop on Computational Methods for Online Discourse Analysis (BeyondFacts’24)." The Web Conference 2024, Singapore, 2024-05-13 - 2024-05-17.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2023. "3rd International Workshop on Knowledge Graphs for Online Discourse Analysis (BeyondFacts’23)." The Web Conference 2023, Austin, Texas, USA, 2023-04-30 - 2023-05-04.

Dimitrov, Dimitar, and Xiaofei Zhu. 2020. "COVID-19 Retweet Prediction Challenge." CIKM2020 AnalytiCup , 2020-07-01 - 2020-10-24.

Dimitrov, Dimitar. 2019. "Doctoral Consortium at European Conference on Information Retrieval." European Conference on Information Retrieval , 2019-04-14 - 2019-03-14.

Hausstein, Brigitte, Esra Akdeniz, Jana Meichsner, Ute Koch, Erdal Baran, and Dimitar Dimitrov. 2017. "Einführung in das da|ra Metadatenschema 4.0: Neue Inhalte und Anwendungen. Workshop." Köln, 2017-09-11 - 2017-09-12.

Hausstein, Brigitte, Esra Akdeniz, Jana Meichsner, Ute Koch, Erdal Baran, and Dimitar Dimitrov. 2017. "The da|ra Metadata Schema Version 4.0: Webinar." 2017-09-05.