Welcome to the Eurobarometer Data Service

Public Opinion in the European Union

Monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member and candidate countries is the mission of the Eurobarometer programme. Conducted on behalf of the European Commission, the European Parliament and other EU institutions, the survey results are regularly published in official reports and the data are made available for further analysis.

The various Eurobarometer survey series are characterized on the one hand by their wide range of topics. Therefore, they address researchers from a large number of disciplines and specialist areas for whom this data stock is relevant. On the other hand, the high surveying frequency makes it possible to observe trends more closely and to compare the current situation with times long past.

The Eurobarometer Data Service of GESIS
Eurobarometer surveys are carried out at regular intervals to track public opinion in Europe on issues relating to the EU and attitudes towards current political or social issues. The surveys consist of the following series or instruments:
• Standard & Special Eurobarometer: The mainstay series covering many topics across ca. six survey waves per year
• Flash Eurobarometer: Shorter surveys on more specific single topics with ca. 13 annual waves
• And also limited series such as the Central & Eastern Eurobarometer (1990-1997), Candidate Countries Eurobarometer (2000-2004) and the European Parliament COVID-19 surveys (2020)

Who are the Eurobarometer data suitable for?
Due to their broad range of topics, the Eurobarometer data are relevant for a large number of disciplines and specialist areas: They are useful for analyzing attitudes towards the EU and many of the political and social issues that are important to it. The data are available to the scientific community for research and education.

Temporal and geographical scope
The data of the Eurobarometer cover a very long time period. Since the 1970s, the primary data at the microdata level and the associated documentation have been made available to the scientific community for research and education. Residents in EU countries and, in some cases, in neighbouring EU countries as well as EU accession countries are surveyed.

Direct access to Eurobarometer data

Eurobarometer data and documentation can be downloaded free of charge from the GESIS Data Catalog.

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Online Search in the Eurobarometer bibliography

Publications using Eurobarometer data can be found in the Eurobarometer bibliography, which is accessible via GESIS-Search or can be donwloaded as PDF or BibTeX file here on the Eurobarometer website under ‘Data and Documentation / Publications’.

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Who is responsible for the Eurobarometer? What was the motivation behind them? Here you will find information on the history, the Principal Investigators and Eurobarometer publications.

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Here you can easily access the individual Eurobarometers you are looking for – sorted by topic, trend files and time series.

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Data and Documentation

We have compiled for you the individual Eurobarometers of the series
• Standard & Special Eurobarometer
• Flash Eurobarometer
• Central & Eastern Eurobarometer
• Candidate Countries Eurobarometer
comprehensively documented and clearly presented in study profiles.

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Contact persons

Dr. Boris Heizmann & Serap Firat