ISSP 2007 - "Leisure Time & Sports" - ZA No. 4850

The ISSP Leisure Time & Sports module was conducted in 2007. There have not been any replications so far.

The module mainly deals with leisure time related issues, such as leisure time activities, especially sport and game activities, the subjective meaning of time and leisure, and its relation to work and other spheres of life, sociological aspects of sports and social determinants and consequences of leisure.

Latest news on this module

The latest data set version (29.10.2009): ZA4850 (v2.0.0), doi:10.4232/1.10079

Learn more

ISSP Research Group (2009). International Social Survey Programme: Leisure Time and Sports - ISSP 2007. GESIS Datenarchiv, Köln. ZA4850 Datenfile Version 2.0.0,

Note 1
Data and variable level documentation of this ISSP module were mostly prepared by our partners at JDS/ASEP in Spain.

Note 2
The data sets from Denmark and the Netherlands are not included in the integrated file available via DBK/ZACAT due to delay in the data deposit. These data can be however downloaded as separate data files under the study numbers ZA4831 and ZA4861.

Participating Countries, Questionnaires and Background Variable Documentation

Participating Countries

Sample Size

Time of Fieldwork


Field Questionnaire Background Variables
Argentina 1657 08/2007-04/2008   AR07 AR07
Australia 2769 07/2007-11/2007   AU07 AU07
Austria 1020 10/2008-12/2008 admin. together with ISSP 2008 'Religion III' AT07 AT07
Belgium/ Flanders 1257 03/2007-07/2007   FLA07 FLA07
Bulgaria 1000 12/2008-01/2009   BG07 BG07
Chile 1505 06/2007   CL07 CL07
Croatia 1200 10/2006-11/2006 admin. together with ISSP 2006 'Role of Government IV' HR07 HR07
Cyprus 1000 10/2007-11/2007   CY07 CY07
Czech Republic 1222 6/2007   CZ07 CZ07
Denmark 1330 4/2008-10/2008 not included in integrated file (see note)    
Dominican Republic 2164 11/2007   DO07 DO07
Finland 1354 09/2007-12/2007   FI07-fi
France 2061 09/2007-12/2007   FR07 FR07
Germany 1717 03/2008-08/2008 admin. together with ISSP 2008 'Religion III' (sample split);
weighting for an all German representative sample (12.90 kB) (PDF)
DE07 DE07
Great Britain 906 06/2007-11/2007   GB07 GB07
Hungary 1027 11/2007-12/2007   HU07  
Ireland 2049 08/2008-10/2008   IE07 IE07
Israel 1344 03/2007-08/2007 admin. together with ISSP 2006 'Role of Government IV' IL07-he
Japan 1253 11/2007   JP07 JP07
Latvia 1069 05/2007-06/2007 admin. together with ISSP 2006 'Role of Government IV' LV07-lv
Mexico 1607 06/2008-07/2008   MX07 MX07
Netherlands 892 03/2008-12/2008 admin. together with ISSP 2008 'Religion III';
not included in integrated file (see note)
New Zealand 996 10/2007-12/2007   NZ07 NZ07
Norway 1143 02/2007-04/2007   NO07 NO07
Philippines 1200 03/2008-04/2008   PH07 PH07
Poland 1293 02/2008   PL07 PL07
Russia 2005 09/2007   RU07  
Slovakia 1138 10/2008 admin. together with ISSP 2006 'Role of Government IV' and ISSP 2008 'Religion III' SK07-sk
Slovenia 1003 10/2006-11/2006 admin. together with ISSP 2006 'Role of Government IV' SI07 SI07
South Africa 2907 10/2007-11/2007   ZA07-af
South Korea 1431 06/2007-08/2007   KR07-kr
Sweden 1309 02/2007-04/2007   SE07 SE07
Switzerland 1003 02/2007-08/2007   CH07-de
Taiwan 2147 07/2007-09/2007   TW07 TW07
United States 1536 04/2008-09/2008   US07 US07
Uruguay 1437 11/2007-02/2008   UY07 UY07

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